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Chrysler releases a Powermat-like system in Dodge Dart to charge devices wirelessly

Chrysler Dodge Dart Powerbin

Chrysler recently announced that it will be offering wireless in-vehicle charging stations for your mobile devices. For $200 bucks you can clear your car of messy wires that clutter it, while charging your smartphone. The forthcoming Dodge Dart will be the first of vehicles to feature the “Powermat-like” technology. The car is set to hit dealer lots this summer, and is offering a great alternative to the compact car market.

The power bin is integrated into the cars center consoles, measuring about 8-inches x 9-inches x 3-inches deep. The grid becomes activated when your device is dropped in and shuts off when your device is removed. However, there is a small catch to the system, like the Powermat, Chrysler’s system too calls for a special case to be used in conjunction with its power bin. The case is included with the power bin package.

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Fifth generation Dodge Viper video showcase

Fifth Generation Dodge Viper

It’s big, it’s loud, we’re pretty sure it spits out Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth as it rolls by—the long awaited, fifth generation, Dodge Viper.

Unlike most sensible automakers who are seen tuning down their cars, replacing motors for batteries and what not, Dodge decided it’d be a fitting time to have a proper V8 roam the streets once more. Yet, this wasn’t a simple redesign, but an overhaul of the Viper posters that hung on our walls as children.

So how do you welcome the new Viper? Through YouTube videos, of course! Follow the jump to watch them all.

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Chrysler aims to deploy the Dodge Durango as the next SUV Police Cruiser

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Corporate News, Transportation,

Dodge Durango PD Cruiser

For years Ford has been the staple of law enforcement, so much so that instinctually my foot would hit the brake every time I saw a Crown Victoria in my rear view. But the Crown Vic is being sent to pasture, as a new era of police cruisers is upon us.

Chrysler has been on and off in producing a wanted cruiser. It's been over 40 years since the last great era of Chrysler vehicles being used regularly for law enforcement. Now Chrysler is back in the game. Departments nationwide have widely adapted the Dodge Charger as one of their own, alongside the Chevy Tahoe for those that need a larger cruiser. It seemed that the Tahoe was set to be the next Crown Vic, at least in the SUV-category of cruiser, but not if Chrysler has a say in it.

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3 ways to avoid speeding tickets that won’t cost you a thing

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Features, Transportation,

Each day I commute about 60 miles and I see a lot of things on the road. Some things are just gorgeous, like the snowcapped Olympic Mountains, while the other stuff I see is sheer stupidity, like the lady who decided to go against the flow of traffic today. These a pretty much non-issues in the world of driving, while we think that the real threat are the boys in blue. Now don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against our task force, but getting dinged for going 5 mph over the speed limit is a bit too ridiculous in my book. Over the years, I’ve noticed ways of how to avoid tickets at little or no cost to you. Continue reading for some tips!

Click to continue reading 3 ways to avoid speeding tickets that won’t cost you a thing

Maserati Kubang concept is what a luxury crossover SUV should be

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Design, Transportation,

Maserati KuBang

In the world of luxury SUV's, buyers are limited to their choices of flavors—vanilla, Rocky Road, chocolate, and strawberry. There’s the usual German engineered and slightly over-engineered variant; leaving the buyer faced with purchasing a Benz, BMW, or anything from VW’s automotive family (vanilla.) Or there’s the ever classic, “I can do anything and go anywhere, but I rather just stay on the streets” Land Rover/Range Rover as a plausible option (Rocky Road.) Skim across the pond and you’re faced with rugged, bloated “luxury” SUVs; more fitting for cattle herding, rather than a night on the town (chocolate.) Finally there’s the likes of Lexus and Acura, which over-saturate suburban streets on any given day (strawberry.) This puts a potential buyer in conundrum if they want something different than their neighbors. What if the buyer wants a little Cold Stone Creamery action, rather than the usual everyone else seems to get? Enter the Maserati Kubang.

Like Cold Stone Creamery, the Maserati Kubang, has a bit of everything mixed into one glorious package. Maserati took bits and pieces from others and remixed into their own, dare I say, delicious concoction. Ever since Fiat Group acquired Chrysler Automotive (back during the Big Three’s financial meltdown,) Fiat has gained access to Chrysler’s resources and technologies. Fiat has been slowly marrying the two. Maserati, being apart of Fiat, has long been working on producing a luxury SUV for quite sometime and finally the Kubang has been born; well at least in the concept stage.

The Kubang is said to have a heart of a Ferrari. Boosting V8 designed by none other than Paolo Martinelli. Though you maybe thinking fast, sleek, and sexy after reading that Ferrari has their fingers in the project, Maserati’s “implication has been that the Kubang will be more SUV than sport,” reports Joel Johnson of Jalopnik. Furthermore, the SUV is based on Chrysler’s Jeep Grand Cherokee platform. The Maserati Kubang will be built alongside its cousins the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Dodge Durango. The price is still to be announced by Maserati.

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