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How to unlock the iPhone 4s for free (Instructions)

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Mods / Hacks,

iPhone 4s unlock

Are you walking around with an iPhone that shackled to a mobile carrier that you'd like to free? Well, there's now a super-easy way to unlock any iPhone running iOS 5.1 or earlier. Yes, that includes unlocking the iPhone 4S. Through a series of persistent hacking, a programmer who goes by the moniker of Loktar_Sun has finally found a way of spoofing the iPhone, thus allowing the user to unlock the device. A few things are needed in order to get started: You've got to jailbreak your iPhone (one that isn’t officially blacklisted), the free unlocking app (SAM) from Cydia, and an Internet connection. Read on for instructions.

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Put Siri on your iPad, iPhone 4, iPod touch with Spire jailbreak hack

Siri Spire

One of the key differences between the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S is the availability of Siri on the newer smartphone. There have been a few hacks and allegedly legal options that put Siri on older versions of the iPhone, but nothing officially sanctioned by Apple.

The latest Siri workaround comes from iOS hackers Grant Paul, known as chpwn, and Ryan Petrich. In a recent blog post, the duo unveiled Spire, which is a "new tool for installing Siri on previously unsupported, but jailbroken, devices," Paul said. As you might recall, an iOS 5 jailbreak was just released.

The 100MB download is available via Cydia and it will add Siri to any device running iOS 5.

If that sounds a bit too good to be true, though, it is. Actually getting Siri to work on a device other than the iPhone 4S will require some technical know-how.

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iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak has been released

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds, Mods / Hacks, Software,

iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak

If you're running iOS 5.0.1 and have been waiting for the ability to jailbreak your device without being tethered to a computer, today is your lucky day (as long as you aren't hoping to jailbreak the iPhone 4S or iPad 2!) The Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev Team have jointly released a new version of redsn0w that will jailbreak the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and third- and fourth-generation iPod touch running iOS 5.0.1. Users who are already running the tethered version of the jailbreak can download Corona from Cydia to get in on the untethered action. An untethered jailbreak for the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S is still being worked on, with no set timetable for arrival.

In other iOS 5 jailbreak news, a new "Spire" hack now allows you to install Siri on jailbroken iOS devices as well!

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Video: 30 awesome jailbreak tweaks for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

If you've never jailbroken your iOS device before and have been wondering what all the fuss is about, the video above is a great indicator of the things you can do once you free your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from the locked up clutches of Apple restrictions. In fact, even if you're a part of the jailbreak community, you may find some great tools here as well. This video gives you a quick walkthrough of thirty different jailbreak tools that you can use to make your devices more productive and more fun. Give it a look.

JailbreakMe 3.0 now allows you to jailbreak your iPad 2

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds, Internet, Mods / Hacks,

JailbreakMe 3.0

JailbreakMe is back with version 3.0, and if you've been wanting to jailbreak your iPad 2, now's your chance. If you're unfamiliar, JailbreakMe is a super-easy way of jailbreaking your iOS devices. All you need to do is head to jailbreakme.com and follow the simple instructions, and a minute later you'll be able to customize, theme, tweak, and install any iOS software that you please. The only trick here is that you can't be running the iOS 5 beta. Other than that, you're clear to go ahead and make it happen.

Jailbreak iOS 5 with Redsn0w 0.9.8b1

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Mods / Hacks, Software,

iOS 5 RedsnOw jailbreak

For anyone who decided to give up their jailbroken version of iOS in order to upgrade to the iOS 5 beta, you're about to get the best of both worlds again. Using Redsn0w 0.9.8b1 on the Mac, you can perform a tethered jailbreak that let's you bring Cydia and all the jailbreak apps into the iOS 5 fold. Of course, being a tethered solution, this means you'll need to plug in your device if you need it to be rebooted, which means we're personally gonna wait until the untethered option is available.

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iPhone 4 unlock now available with ultrasn0w!

iPhone 4 unlock

We knew that once the iPhone 4 jailbreak dropped, it would be just a matter of time before the unlock method would be made available. Well, two days later, it’s here. Ultrasn0w, the software unlock we’ve come to know and love over the years, has been updated to version 1.0-1. With that update comes support for the iPhone 4 baseband 01.59 and iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.12.01, and 05.13.04. If those numbers confuse you, no worries, this basically just means that any iPhone 3G/3GS/4 device that you have in your hand as of today is unlockable. Just download ultrasn0w through Cydia, and you’re all set!

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Bleeding Edge TV 358: iPhone 4 jailbreak

Yesterday we told you how to jailbreak your iPhone 4, and today we figured we’d show you. The process really couldn’t be simpler. If you want to jailbreak your running iOS 4.0 or 4.0.1, all you need to do is head over to JailbreakMe.com and use the slider. Everything else happens on its own, over the air. We recorded our iPhone 4 jailbreak to show you the process, what you can expect, and just how long it takes (under 3 minutes.) Check out the video for the full walkthrough.

iPhone OS 4.0 already jailbroken

iPhone OS 4.0 jailbreak

Looks like the jailbreak app developer community can get to work on porting their apps to , as the current beta has already been jailbroken. However, if you aren’t a developer, don’t go trying to mess around with the redsn0w 0.9.5 beta, as this is purely a dev release. It currently only works on Mac OS X and with an iPhone 3G running iPhone 4.0 beta 1, but that’s good enough to get the devs started on getting everything up to snuff for the official release this summer.

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How to tether your iPhone 3G to your laptop

iPhone 3G tether

With the launch of , many have been waiting and hoping for a method that would allow tethering of the iPhone to a mobile computer like, say, a MacBook. Well, lucky for your mobile warriors, that time has finally come - it’s just takes a bit of work to get it functioning. Do remember, though, that AT&T isn’t offering any sort of tethering plan with the iPhone, so if you get caught, you may be forced to pay a bunch of money out of pocket. Or your service could be shut off. Still, if that isn’t something that matters to you, then click on through for the instructions, provided by my pal Nate True. He took a bunch of different pieces of software and solutions, and mixed them together into a powerful concoction that allows you to use your iPhone 3G as a modem by way of 3Proxy, Terminal, and WiFi. Now all we need are batteries for the iPhone 3G that don’t die in a matter of seconds.

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