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Watch this: Bill Gates gets emotional reminiscing about his last talk with Steve Jobs

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Apple, Microsoft, Videos,
Microsoft co-founder, former CEO and current Chairman, Bill Gates, described his last conversation with the late Steve Jobs (among other topics) during an interview with Charlie Rose on 60 minutes. Watch the video after the break:
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Bill Gates thinks iPad owners are frustrated without keyboard, Office

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Apple, Handhelds, PC / Laptop, Videos,
Former Microsoft CEO, current mosquito-wrangler and public donator of his vast wealth, Bill Gates, was talking on CNBC about how he feels iPad users are frustrated about not having a physical keyboard and the lack of Microsoft Office. Curious among many where he is getting his data. Bill didn't waste any time proposing the Microsoft Surface tablet, which has Microsoft Office, as a better alternative, despite sales indicating the contrary. Perhaps, it might behoove Microsoft to go to its roots and start selling software instead of trying to sell an ecosystem. After all, we're in the 'Post PC-era' as coined by the late Steve Jobs. On the other hand, Bill is saying tablets are growing in popularity, and that, eventually, they'll be hard to distinguish between them and PCs. Catch the video after the break.
"With Windows 8, Microsoft is trying to gain share in what has been dominated by the iPad type device. A lot of those users are frustrated. They can't type. They can't create documents. They don't have Office there. So we're providing them something with the benefits they've seen that have made that a big category but without giving up what they expect in a PC." - Bill Gates
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Microsoft’s living room vision includes apps, Mediaroom, and Xbox

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: HDTV, Home Entertainment, Internet, Microsoft, Video Games,
Microsoft showed off the future of the living room on Wednesday, and it appears to be a combination of Bing, Kinect, and the Mediaroom IPTV technology that forms the foundation of the Xbox.
Oh, and it seems to be taking place first overseas.
In a video embedded below, Microsoft's Marc Whitten, corporate vice president of Xbox Live (identified as a corporate vice president of ISS Experiences) showed off short clips of how the living room, as exemplified by the Xbox 360 and Kinect, continued to evolve. The demonstration placed a premium on natural user interfaces, identified by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates as one of the most significant advances in personal computing.
"Our goal is really, really simple," Whitten says in the video. "It's about how we make this effortless, intuitive and delightful. And that starts by making the technology fade out of the way, getting it all into the background."
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Bill Gates speaks about the past, present, future of the PC

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Microsoft, PC / Laptop,
The most significant innovation in personal computing over the last 30 years has been the evolution of natural interfaces, with the GUI, speech recognition, gestures and touch receiving equal weight, according to Bill Gates, a co-founder and the former chief executive of Microsoft.
As the PC turns 30, we asked Gates, as well as other industry leaders, for their thoughts on the most significant innovation in personal computing, and how PCs have changed people's lives for the better – or worse. Finally, we wanted to know what the future holds for personal computing – and maybe whether the "Personal Computer" would exist in its current form.
While Apple's Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak arguably invented and popularized the personal computer, Bill Gates, Paul Allen and later Steve Ballmer at Microsoft crafted and shaped the Windows operating system which became synonomous with the term "PC". The Apple Macintosh and Windows pushed the graphical user interface into the mainstream, driven by the increasing performance of microprocessors from Intel Corp., and later from chips designed by Advanced Micro Devices, Cyrix, Via Technology, and others.
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Paul Allen portrays Bill Gates as a brilliant backstabber

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Microsoft,
In an excerpt from an upcoming book released Wednesday, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen paints co-founder Bill Gates as a technical genius, but as a ruthless executive who tried to dilute Allen's financial stake in the early days of Microsoft.
In the excerpt from Idea Man, Allen's upcoming book, Gates is characterized as an intensely focused mathematical genius, with a penchant for social quirks. Allen describes himself as the glue that held Microsoft together.
Idea Man is scheduled to be published this month by Portfolio, a member of the Penguin Group. The excerpt was published by Vanity Fair.
The crux of the story seems to lie in the last anecdote Allen relates: a scene in which Gates and Steve Ballmer, brought in to run the company, apparently scheme to dilute Allen's stake in the company. Allen describes Ballmer as looking like "an operative for the N.K.V.D." Allen, then suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma, recounts the scene:
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American Idol 9: Idol Gives Back, Top 7 Results

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Video,

At the top of the Idol Gives Back spectacular, host Ryan Seacrest immediately introduced the President of the United States and his First Lady, Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama. Two praised the Idol Gives Back event and urged viewers to contribute to the cause. In his typical contemporary fashion, President Obama then gave a message to the Idol contestants: “As Randy Jackson says, you’re all my dogs.”
Ryan then reappeared on stage to introduce the judges and hype up the crowd. Queen Latifah served as the host of the event at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, which was filled with a screaming crowd.
The Top 12 were brought back together for the first group performance of the night, an incredibly weak number. The only big moment in the song was given (predictably) to Crystal Bowersox. Could this show please make it more obvious that they want her to win? I’m not sure the astronauts on the space shuttle have managed to get the message yet - they’re so far away, and all.
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Bill Gates hits TED, uses fireflies to address our energy future

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smart Home, Misc. Tech, Science, Videos,
At TED 2010, Bill Gates gave a talk that laid out his vision and hope for the world’s energy future, citing the need for what may amount to a miracle to avoid planetary catastrophe, with the goal of zero carbon emissions across the globe by 2050. One of the more interesting, and most talked about, moments involves Bill take out a jar of fireflies (at last years talk, he used mosquitos) to make a point. Definitely a great video to take in, and it gives you a nice idea of what Mr. Gates is up to these days.
Microsoft’s Windows Celebrates 25 Years

Posted by Patrick Phelps Categories: Corporate News, Microsoft, PC / Laptop, Videos,
It was 25 years ago today that Bill Gates unveiled Microsoft Windows; of course, it wouldn’t be released in stores for nearly two more years, but it was undeniably the start of a revolution.
There are those who love to hate the software giant, but the Seattle-area economy has nothing to offer but gratitude – in King County, which includes Seattle and Microsoft hometown, Redmond, there are some 70,000 households with a net-worth of at least $1 million. My dentist once told me that his two brothers, who went to Microsoft while he went to dental school, both retired at the age of 36; he is well past 36 and definitely not retired. Some people have all the luck…
In honor of Windows’ anniversary, we’ve posted a video (up top) of current Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer doing his best cheesy car salesman impersonation in this ridiculous Windows commercial from the 80’s; proving that dignity is not always a prerequisite for success.
Microsoft Launches New Commercials

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Microsoft, PC / Laptop, Videos,
Thank goodness Microsoft realized how silly their latest Seinfeld/Gates TV ads are and have moved on to the next phase of “Life Without Walls” in new ads, billboards, and other media sources. The company will also be launching Web and TV ads called the “Real PC,” using both celebs and “little people” who declare “I’m a PC.” We certainly hope that this commercial blitz is more successful. By the way, we just caught one. No Seinfeld, just Gates. Take your last look.
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Seinfeld-Gates Campaign Nixed

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Commercials, Gossip, Video,
Those somewhat odd and not-so-funny Microsoft ads featuring Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld are being pulled from the air. You might think it’s because they’ve received such a negative reaction (the entertainment media has had a jolly time poking fun at them), but Microsoft says differently.
This company never admits failure or defeat of any kind. “This was the plan all along,” said spokesperson Frank Shaw. “All along we said we were having a teaser campaign,” he explained. “We’re getting ready to start the second phase.” Betcha it doesn’t involve putting founder Bill Gates in the ads, this “second phase.”
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LA Times