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Kuchofuku’s Air Conditioned Bed

Posted by Lolita Beckwith Categories: Smart Home, Misc. Tech,

Air Conditioned Bed

If the hot summer weather leaves you tossin’ and turnin’ during the night, we’ve got something for you. Kuchofuku’s Air Conditioned Bed weighs only 5.3 pounds, is portable, and keeps you cool at night, using dual fans to circulate cool air beneath the cushion (so it’s not truly “air conditioned”, but we’ll let it go). Granted, you could just turn up your window AC, but if you don’t own one or you like your air conditioning a little more personalized, this is something to consider, assuming you have $400 USD to spare - otherwise, just pick up the much less expensive Chillow.

Read More | CScout Japan via Engadget

