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blew our minds yesterday during the Xbox Media Briefing. Project Natal is a new method of playing Xbox 360, with no controller required. Instead, it “sees” your entire body, and tracks your movement in 3D, and even responds to voice commands, directions, and even your face. We’ve got a video demo for you above, which you should take a look at, as well as a bunch more info on this exciting product. Read on.


Click to continue reading Project Natal FAQ and video


Xbox 360 Facebook Home screen

In addition to Twitter, Facebook is also coming to the Xbox 360 this fall. You’ll be able to update your Facebook status, browse your news feed, view photos, and more, all from the Xbox 360. Even better? Games can take advantage of Facebook Connect, to publish screenshots and other details directly to your Facebook account, if you so choose. You’ll also be able to send Facebook friend requests to those in your Friends list on Xbox Live, if they’ve linked their Facebook and Xbox Live accounts. Get a look at the Facebook on Xbox 360 screenshots that we’ve put together, so you can get a better idea of how it will all work.


Twitter update from Xbox 360

is coming to the Xbox 360, as announced by Microsoft at their 2009 Xbox Media Briefing at . You’ll be able to see recent tweets from your contacts, and you’ll also have the ability to update your Twitter status right from the Xbox 360 as well. Check out a few Twitter on Xbox 360 screenshots, and feel free to follow Playfeed on Twitter.

Update: Facebook for Xbox 360 is also on the way!


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1 vs 100 Xbox Live1 vs 100 on finally has a date, and you’ll be able to take part in the madness starting June 1 at 7:30pm PST. The 1 vs 100 beta is open, and free, to all Xbox Live Gold members, and you can actually win real prizes during the beta. Here’s a look at what you can win:

  • One (1) Grand Prize : A Samsung 52” plasma HDTV and surround sound/receiver bundle. Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of Grand Prize: $3000
  • Two (2) First Prizes : An Acer Aspire laptop computer. ARV: $500
  • Two (2) Second Prizes : A Microsoft Zune 120GB music player. ARV: $200
  • Thirty (30) Third Prizes : A Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade Game of Sponsor’s choosing. ARV of Third Prize: $15 each

Do note, these are the prizes available during the beta period. The actual skill-based prizes, where you can win Microsoft Points and all that, aren’t up for grabs until the beta period ends.

Read More | 1 vs 100

Blockbuster logoBlockbuster continues to try to save its assets. This time it is offering video to its mail rental service to Wii, PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360 gamers. One subscription allows unlimited games, one at a time, for those with online-only service, while those with Total Access receive the same in-store exchange deal as they do with movies. Beginning with a pilot program in Cleveland in June, expect the service for all by the end of the year.

Read More | Blockbuster

DJ HeroWe already mentioned the new Guitar Hero 5 that will be coming out this year. In addition, Activision has released the rest of their lineup for PS2, PS3, Xbox and Wii that includes:

  • Tony Hawk: Ride
  • Modern Warfare 2
  • DJ Hero
  • Guitar Hero 5
  • Blur
  • Singularity
  • Prototype
  • Wolfenstein
  • Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
  • Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

Lots of titles, lots of variety and, most important, a whole lotta music goin’ on.

By the way, you can win a set of 5 tickets to 5 different concerts if you enter the GH5 scavenger hunt. Look for the list of artists that will appear in the game by searching online and verify the information by June 25.

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Xbox Avatar ClothingI don’t know about you, but some of the clothing that I put on my avatar that has since been removed from the currently available items in the Avatar Editor are no longer available for me to re-apply to my little guy—even if it’s a saved outfit. I threw out the issue on Twitter, and Major Nelson his me back to let me know that older clothing will be unlocked, and the issue will eventually disappear. Apparently, for those of you in the NXE Preview Program that was around before the went public, if you’ve saved items as outfits that were removed, you are unable to access them, with the one caveat being that if you are currently wearing a piece of clothing that is locked, you get to rock it, as long as you don’t take it off.

Xbox Avatar ShoesXbox wants your avatar to get its Summer on in style this year by bringing you new shoe styles to rock. Yes, classics such as the flippy floppies, or even the amazingly sexy socks and sandals looks are now available to you. Of course, the ladies will get some love, although limited, with pretty sandals and boots.

Listed below is what you will find to be shiny and new:

The Boys:

  • Flip Flops
  • High Top Sneakers
  • Socks and Sandals
  • 70’s Leather Platforms

The Girlies:

  • Sunny Day Sandals
  • White 60’s Boots

Read More | Major Nelson

It’s no secret that I am a big supporter of Pandemic Studios’ . Earlier this year, I was exposed to the game in its early development stage and even then—It looked extremely promising. The Saboteur is the story of a car racer in Nazi-occupied Paris looking for revenge. Now, I know what you are thinking, “Not another World War II game!” However, The Saboteur offers you an intimate experience with the characters, while World War II is only the backdrop of the story. In previous interviews, I have been able to get a little more background information of the game, if only to get a glimpse of what this world looks like. Recently, I was able to sit and chat with the Lead Designer of The Saboteur, Tom French, and find out some more background information of the game and what it has to offer us.

Tom, tell us a bit about your background.
My first game at Pandemic was Mercenaries, which was my first job as a designer. I have been in the videogame industry for about 12 years and most of my history was at Blackout Studios. I worked a little bit on Fallout, and a lot on Fallout 2, and I worked on some prototype that got canceled before they shut down.

Click to continue reading Exclusive Interview: Tom French, The Saboteur Lead Designer

So, why are we unable to contain our current excitement level? Well, as evidenced by the video above, an updated version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time is currently in development, and if you didn’t know, this is one of the best side-scrolling brawlers of all time. Originally released for the SNES, Turtles in Time allowed players to join up in a Double Dragon fashion, taking control of their favorite turtle, and it worked really well. Check out the video above to see the updated title in action on the . This one should be hitting the Xbox Live Arcade soon enough, but we don’t have any information on a date. Needless to say, it can’t come soon enough.
