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The trailer for the beta version of the newest addition to the Halo family, : Reach, drops today.  From the footage it looks completely insane and has some pretty cool additions to make the multi-player aspects of the game that much more intense.  For example, now when you headhunt people they collapse slowly to the floor shooting dozens of flaming skulls out of the tops of their heads.  What, that isn’t normal?  I know when I creep around Seattle in my ninja costume from 5th grade this happens all of the time when I come upon some hapless fool who has wandered into my territory.  Well, maybe not quite; replace ‘shooting flaming skulls out of the tops of their heads’ with ‘stare at some idiot dressed in his pajamas from Christmas 1988 who just threw a plastic ninja-star at them’.  Yep, that about sums it up.  I am so alone.


Jonathan Ross Project Natal

Long-tenured UK TV host Jonathan Ross was able to give the upcoming Xbox 360 motion gaming add-on, , a try. Aside from the hint of jealousy he left us all with, he also tweeted out an interesting tidbit of information on his Twitter account, which in a nutshell says that he feels that Natal has potential, and that Microsoft has until October to get it right. So the obvious question is, does that imply that Natal gets an October launch (which does fit in with the holiday 2010 launch period)? Or does it mean it has to all be done so they can start packing and shipping devices for launch in early November? I’m sure everything will be made clear in a couple of months at .

Hit the break for a video of Jonathan giving Project Natal a try.

Click to continue reading Project Natal launching on October says UK’s Jonathan Ross

Xbox Live v1

Check it out, Microsoft just announced that all games made for the original Xbox will no longer be able to access the Xbox Live service as of April 15, 2010, and we couldn’t be happier with the news. No, we don’t hate classics like Halo 2, but the thing is, those titles are many years old, and they’ve been holding back the full potential of Xbox Live for far too long. As an example, it’s no secret that we hate the Xbox Live friend limit, and the major reason it exists is because of Halo 2. With Halo 2, and all the rest of the original Xbox games, being denied access to Live, Microsoft will be able to stop worrying about those original Xbox restrictions - and that means, among other things, that we should finally see that friend limit jacked up, if not removed entirely.

It should be noted that, even if you downloaded original Xbox games on your Xbox 360 using Games on Demand, even those won’t work when you try to connect to Xbox Live. It’s just the nature of the beast, and it’s all in the name of progress.

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We love Fallout, and poured hundreds of hours into Fallout 3, which explains the pain we feel in our chest knowing that we won’t be able to play through Fallout: New Vegas until the fall of this year. That said, Bethesda has released a teaser trailer for Fallout: New Vegas, which is just enough to whet the appetite. Who’s excited?

Final Fantasy XII Xbox 360 Faceplate

Our friends over at Gamertag Radio just posted a video promoting their Community Vibes 5 event (which takes place this Saturday) with Major Nelson, and we couldn’t help but notice what appears to be a yet-to-be-announced Final Fantasy XIII faceplate on Major’s desk! We haven’t seen or heard about this anywhere, so this may, in fact, be the first time it’s been seen in public. Even more interesting, though, is the fact that Microsoft has kind of forgotten about the whole faceplate-only thing, which leads us to believe that we may see a Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 bundle. If you wanna peep the video, we’ve got it for you after the break.

Click to continue reading Unannounced Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 faceplate (custom console?) spotted!

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Welcome to a new quickie feature for Playfeed, in which I attempt to distill a game review into a bite-size chunk for you to feed on demurely. At E3, I was singing nothing but praises about Bayonetta, and that was primarily from a one-level demo. Demos, of course, are either used to

  • Sell a product by giving you the best of the best so you salivate like Pavlov’s dogs when you pass the retail copy over
  • Give you the only part of a game that is not festering, abject crap.

So now the retail copy has launched, and I am left to tell you what to expect, because I am forever carrying the cross of the game reviewer. Hit the jump for Bayonetta in 3 paragraphs.

NOTE: This is the Xbox 360 version of the game. The PS3 has been known to have some nasty framerate issues.

Click to continue reading In Three Paragraphs: Bayonetta

Green Day Rock Band

The Spike TV Video Game Awards show happened this weekend. I would have watched it, but I frankly have enough women, cars, and Mountain Dew here at my fortress, and if that’s not good enough to get Jack Black over here, then so be it. Either way, a bunch of games got announced, including Green Day: Rock Band, from Harmonix and MTV Games.

Anyway, details about the game are scarce, but design director and notorious lothario Chris Foster of Harmonix posted on his twitter account that the game’s songs will be exportable for use in your other Rock Band games, unlike those found in The Beatles: Rock Band. He also says the game will be fun, and I’m going to agree with him, and totally not because I want a whole bunch of free crap from Harmonix. And, by the way, if you’re from Harmonix, you can ask my editor for my shipping address. I have no dignity and you can set my price.

Mass Effect 2Casting is a very important part of film production, used to attract movie goers into theaters.  Similarly, BioWare is hoping to achieve this same kind of effect by casting big names into their upcoming title, Mass Effect 2. Sure, they are also hired to bless the game’s characters with talent, grace and—in some cases—even mannerisms. Names such as comedic actor Seth Green, Chuck stars Yvonne Strahovski and Adam Baldwin, Star Trek’s Michel Dom, Battlestar Galactica’s Tricia Helfer, Carrie-Anne Mos, and even Martin Sheen are part of this all-star game cast.  If the Mass Effect series never tickled your fancy, these names will surely spike your interest, even if it’s just curiosity.

Dead Space 2

Good news for you survival horror fans (jeez, is that ever a trite opening line): EA has officially announced Dead Space 2 for you to speculate over until they release more information. According to the press release, the game will star Issac Clarke from the original game as he continues to kill more horrifically deformed Necromorphs, frolic in zero gravity, and generally do more of what you loved from the stellar first installment. It’s being developed by Visceral Games, the folks behind the first game, and will hopefully feature the same amazing audio as before.

Anyways, all the pictures I could find from the first game were terribly violent, and as you know, my first and only concern is the children; So, enjoy this picture of an upside-down dog from upsidedowndogs.com. Fuzzy wuzzy!

Hit the jump for the full release and some high hopes.

Click to continue reading EA Announces Dead Space 2

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Krator Guitar Hero controllerEver see a game peripheral so classy that you have to put your pants through an extra wash cycle?

Speaker company Krator recently released pictures of the unreleased Krator Orpheus WG-07 controller for Rock Band and Guitar Hero, and dear god is that hot. Look at that inlay! It’s apparently made out of metal and aluminum, offers a range of 10 meters wirelessly, and works for the PC and PS3, but nothing further has been released about the guitar or when it might go on sale. Not that I need it or anything. My Guitar Hero skills are stuff of legend and have been documented by the health department to be the number three cause of teen pregnancy.

You can see the full gallery of photos at Pocket Lint.
