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While they originally started testing out a video game rental service in August of 2009 at select Redbox kiosks, the DVD rental giant is seeking to take their video game options nationwide this week. Added markets include those in the West, Midwest, and Atlantic Coast. A look at Redbox's website shows a large offering of video games on the Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, PS2 and Nintendo DS. One rental will cost $2 per day. This may seem like a bit much, considering I remember a time when I could rent a game for a week from Blockbuster for just five dollars. Perhaps a set weekly rate would help their cause much more. Would you rent video games from Redbox for $2 per day? Or would you prefer they have a set weekly rate instead?

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Black Ops 3D

Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC gamers will be able to get a touch of the three dimensional come November 9. Deciding to try something a bit new, and trendy, the Call of Duty series is going 3D, “day one, out of the box”, according to Mark Lamia, the head of the Treyarch Studio. All you need to make this work is one of those ridiculously expensive 3D HDTVs or an NVIDIA 3D Vision-ready PC, along with those ridiculously cheesy active shutter glasses. The stereoscopic 3D will work in all of Black Ops’ modes, including multiplayer. How this will work out in accordance with the subtleties of the game that require precision and concentration is unknown as this point. Though, one can’t help but wonder if 3D visuals are just a gimmick, not fit for competitive play. If so, there’s going to be a whole lot of noobs that are getting pwned, all for them to play in glorious 3D.

Click to continue reading Call of Duty: Black Ops in Stereoscopic 3D

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There comes a time every now and then when a game completely blows your mind. Today is one of those times. This ten minute video showcasing : Infinite is only a taste of what's to come in 2012. Try to keep your jaw off the floor, I dare you.

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TsunodaIn an interview with Gamasutra Kudo Tsunoda stated that pre-orders of have put it on track to sell millions this holiday season.

“The preorders have been really strong. As far as what we’re looking at for Holiday, this is going to be stuff that’ll blow away any of the sales you’ve seen with iPad,” said Tsunoda.

The broke the one million mark on its 28th day of sale, and shattered 3 million after just three months. With Tsunoda’s claims, it seems that Kinect will even surpass the launch sales of even their own Xbox and Xbox 360. We’ll see.

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The guys over at Machinima have already found a frightening glitch in the armor lock mod. But beware, learning this ability is something that you can never take back from your memory!

halo leaf

A look at the majority of vegetation growing in the world will look like any other tree. That is, until you get up close and examine it for yourself. It seems that something else was going on on planet Reach…Something the Covenant might deem worthy enough to invade for? Hmm….


With the release of one thing is certain - the death of Halo 3 multiplayer. In order to pay respects, a person going by the gamertag of AJspartan has issued a proper final farewell video montage to the 3 year run that was Halo 3 online. It’s snipetastic to say the least.

Xbox Live Gold Halo Reach Helmet

is helping to promote and their online service by enticing gamers with an offer they cannot refuse - a whopping 40% off a full year Gold member ship, in addition to avatar swag. This brings the price of Gold down from $49.99 (and increasing to $59.99 starting November 1) to $29.99. With Gold member privileges you will have access to features such as: the deal of the week, Twitter, Netflix, Facebook, online multiplayer, and last.fm.

Xbox 360 D-Pad redesign, button down side

Microsoft is set to release a newly redesigned wireless controller with a transforming D-Pad this November. It’s no secret that the D-Pad on the Xbox 360 isn’t exactly popular with gamers, so the company supposedly went back to the drawing board, and came up with a D-Pad can be changed from disc-form to “plus” form just by turning the D-Pad itself. In addition to that change, the controller also has concave analog sticks, matte silver color, and gray A, B, X, Y buttons as well.

The catch? While the controller seems like it would be awesome, you can only get it as part of the new Play & Charge Kit which will be available on November 9th for $64.99. Yeah, even if you don’t need another Play & Charge Kit, that’s the only way you’ll be getting this controller, as Microsoft won’t be making it available as a standalone product. $64.99. Microsoft is definitely doing all they can to get more money out of Xbox users these days.


Metal Gear Rising

Bringing the Metal Gear Rising series to the Xbox 360 and PC in addition to the PS3 is only the start of Konami’s multi-platform approach. In a recent interview with VideoGamer.com MGR creative director Shigenobu Matsuyama stated, “I think it’s very important for the future of Japanese publishing. We see publishers — Capcom have started a little bit earlier than us — and I can say most of the Japanese studios have seen the importance of going multi-platform, and our studio as well.”

This can mean that Konami will start to embrace the Wii with less profound Metal Gear exclusives in the same vein that Capcom has done with its Resident Evil series, and continue bringing it’s more hardcore Metal Gear titles to the Xbox 360, PC, and PS3.

“I think we’re now really ready to go multi-platform at once, I mean development cycle wise. I think this will be a normal trend for Japanese studios in the future,” Matsuyama continued.

A hard blow to PS3 users hoping to keep future Metal Gears to themselves.

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