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Microsoft blocks modded Xbox from LiveThose of us, um, I mean those of you with modified XBOX's who were looking forward to fragging your friends in Halo 2, Microsoft has finally caught on. Right as Halo 2 launched, Microsoft updated the XBOX Live service to identify users who are trying to connect with a modified XBOX and block them from the service. If you try to connect, it simply won't work - even on boxes that have mod chips that can be switched off. If you go into the network troubleshooter, you will see the error that reads "Your Xbox console cannot communicate with Xbox Live because the software or hardware may have been modified". Damn.

Gallery: Modded XBOX’s Not Allowed on Live


Three XBOX 2 VersionsI would take this one with a grain of salt until we get more solid evidence, but The Inquirer is reporting that Microsoft plans to release three versions of the upcoming XBOX sequel. There has been talk lately that the big M was thinking about removing the hard drive to bring down the cost of the next system, however it seems that they may be planning to actually release three versions of the XBOX 2. The first would be the standard game console, sans the hard drive. There would also be an XBOX 2 HD, which would include the hard drive along with some PVR functionality. Apparently, these two would launch in Fall 2005. Then in 2006 (probably around the time of the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Revolution launch) Microsoft would release yet another version of the XBOX. This one is said to be a full blown PC with XBOX 2 capabilities out of the box. It would have a monitor, CD burner, and all the other PC fanfare - I am guessing this will be very close to being just a Media Center PC that plays XBOX games, and I expect it to sell similarly as well as the MCPC product line does - not very well.

Read More | The Inquirer

Gallery: Triple XBOX 2 From Microsoft?

Halo 2 LaunchWell, the hour has arrived. Halo 2 is now officially here - at least on the East Coast for the time being. If you want to be technical about this, the game has officially been available in New Zealand for about 20 hours now. But I digress. Your favorite video game stores will be holding special midnight launch openings, some with special guests and music, to celebrate the release of what has turned out to be this years most widely anticipated game.

Halo 2 Reviews

Gallery: Halo 2 Launches As Midnight Calls

Halo 2 Reviews

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Video Games,

Halo 2 Reviewed

Halo 2 reviews are starting to come in and so far the game seems to be living up to the massive hype created. With several national chains holding midnight openings for the games release on November 9, and some even booking entertainment to add to the party atmosphere, this game is sure to be one of the biggest selling games of all time. Halo 2 includes a stellar single player experience, along with a new online play feature. As most know, the original Halo lacked online multiplayer, and yet maintained a very high replayablity level. Since you come to Gear Live for news on technology, including videogames, we are sure that if you have an XBOX, you already have preordered this game. You are also happy to see the reviews being so positive for what some are calling one of the biggest game of the year, if not all time.

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Gallery: Halo 2 Reviews

GTA: San Andreas

In what might be described as the height of irony, Rockstar's next foray into theft and mass murder, has itself been stolen and has begun making its rounds through various 'warez' sites. Not to worry, since it won't effect next week's release on Tuesday. Even if you did find a copy, you'd need a modded PS2 in order to play it, so potential users are in the vast minority. We're seeing a trend here. Last week, Microsoft faced a similar theft, when a French copy of "Halo 2" was also snagged and distributed. I'm sure you'll also remember the "HalfLife2" code theft as well.

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Gallery: “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas” - Stolen

The Sony PSP

With all the recent Nintendo DS coverage, we at Gear Live didn't want you to think we're not looking forward to Sony's upcoming portable. Just last week, it was announced that the PSP would support MP3 playback as stored on a Memory Stick Duo card, sold separately. With analogue controls, a vividly bright screen, wireless capability, and UMD disc-based storage (read: more detailed and richer sounding games), what's not to love? In addition, it will provide about the same graphical processing power of a PS2, which is leagues better than Nintendo's upcoming DS. Third party support should be strong as well, as evidenced by Activision's recent announcement that it will be launching versions of SpiderMan 2 and Tony Hawk's Underground 2 with the unit when it arrives here in the states early next year.

Much more PSP love to be found by clicking here for the PSP Thread on the Gear Live Message Boards.

Gallery: Near The Top of Our Lust List: The Sony PSP

Nintendo Reveals DS Launch Lineup?

Continung today's Nintendo DS coverage, Nintendo has finally released the lineup of launch games available for the Nintendo DS due out in the states on November 21 (and Japan 10 days later). Some big name third party games will be out along with several Nintendo developed titles as well. This news along with the most recent story mentioned earlier on Gear Live regarding downloading content wirelessly and another report about Nintendo commenting on the PSP battery life shows signs of a good week for Nintendo, the DS, and most importantly, Nintendo fans. Stay tuned for more Nintendo DS and Sony PSP news as it comes in. For now, continue reading the story below to find out the complete lineup of launch games for the Nintendo DS.

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Gallery: Nintendo Reveals DS Launch Lineup

Nintendo DS

While the ability to share one cartridge for two systems is nothing new...being able to do so wirelessly is. Even more interesting though, are Nintendo's ideas to offer downloadable demos from wireless kiosks at various game stores. The most eye-catching idea of all however, would be plans to wirelessly download a new Pokemon by having your Nintendo DS at the movie theatre when a given scene plays out on the franchise's film. I knew there had to be an easier way to get that blasted Mewtwo!

  "Yeah, you wish."

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  Read More | CNet

Gallery: Nintendo DS to Offer Wireless Downloading

Nuby Resident Evil 4 Controller Chainsaw

In what has got to be classified as truly weird, and probably downright non-functional, Nuby Tech is developing a new controller for the Nintendo Gamecube which is inspired by the upcoming Resident Evil 4. While special game-based controllers are nothing out of the ordinary, usually it is just a different color scheme with controller remaining pretty much the same. Not so here, as my standard Gamecube controller looks nothing like a chainsaw. While it may be nice for collector's, I don't see much gameplay ability here. Look for the controller in stores in January.

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Gallery: Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Controller

WCG Mascot

In San Francisco, the World Cyber Games Championship is offering a total of $400,000 in prizes for its finalists. Players are pit against each other in a variety of first-person shooters including "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero," "Unreal Tournament 2004" and "Halo", along with other titles such as "FIFA 2004" and "Need for Speed Underground." The World Cyber Games began in 2001 with players from 37 countries in its first year. This year is the first time it has been held outside of Korea, and from now on organizers plan to hold it at different cities worldwide, including Singapore next year. Good to know that you can make a living doing almost anything you love. The little fella here on the right is supposed to be the WCG Mascot.

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Gallery: World Cyber Games Competition Heats Up
