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MacBook Pro with Retina display

Last week Apple revealed it's next-generation MacBook Pro with Retina display during the WWDC 2012 keynote. The new model bucks the trend of the MacBook Pro line, eliminating a bunch of techniques that Apple considers to be "on the way out," while adding in newer technologies that, while expensive, are certainly what the industry is moving towards. We got our hands on the new MacBook Pro with Retina display, and we've collected our thoughts. Is this the notebook for you? Is the Retina display as striking as Apple says? Join us as we answer these questions, and more, in our MacBook Pro with Retina display review.

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Gallery: MacBook Pro with Retina display review


iPad Smart Case review

This week Apple released the iPad Smart Case, a polyurethane product that covers and protects both the front and back of the the iPad shell. Compatible with both the iPad 2 and the new third-generation iPad, this is the first full case that Apple has offered for its popular tablet, and it's being sold for $49. The Smart Case seems to make a lot of sense in theory, but how does it fare in practice? Read on as we answer that question in our iPad Smart Case review.

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Belkin n900 db review

Belkin announced the N900 DB router back at CES. The Advance N900 DB is a dual-band Wi-Fi router that supports 802.11a/b/g/n connections, capable of reaching 450 Mbps speeds due in part to its six MultiBeam antennas. The Belkin Advance N900 DB also sports a feature called IntelliStream, which automatically prioritizes video streaming, gaming, and VoIP data. The router also packs a 600 MHz multi-thread processor, and two USB 2.0 ports that you can connect hard drives to for access to that data from network devices. The Belkin Advance N900 DB is available now for $199--but is it worth your hard-earned Bejamins? We answer that question in our review.

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Phosphor Appear watch review

Anyone who knows me know that I love anything pink. Throw some  rhinestones in, and that's the icing on the cake. That's why it was love at first sight when I noticed the Phosphor Appear watch on the wrist of a stranger at CES. Seriously, a watch that uses Swarovski crystals to display the time? After seeing it in action, we put it to the test. I've had the Phosphor Appear for a couple of weeks now. Is the watch as good as I first thought? Read on for our full review.

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Gallery: Phosphor Appear watch review

Lumia 900 review

With the Lumia 900, three companies are hoping for a runaway success. You've got the carrier, AT&T, launching the first LTE Windows Phone device (and one of the first AT&T LTE smartphones, period.) You've got Nokia, the manufacturer, hoping that the device leads to a revitalization and resurgence of the popularity that it once commanded just a few years ago. Then, you've got Microsoft, the software provider, which is in a position that's much the same as what Nokia's in. A behemoth that had the crown, got cocky, and due to its inability to be nimble in a quickly-changing mobile landscape, got surpassed. The Lumia 900 represents hope for all three of these companies.

What you get in the Lumia 900 is the perfect mixture of Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 (or, really, Windows Phone 7.5 Mango,) Nokia's incredible hardware design, and AT&T's (late) entrance into the LTE realm with a smartphone that people are paying attention to. Even better? You get it all at a $99 price point with contract. In the smartphone world, we'd call this one a steal.

With all of that said, the question still remains: is the Nokia Lumia 900 worth your time? Can it really stand in firm in place of popular iOS and Android devices, giving them a run for their money? These are the questions we aim to tackle in our Lumia 900 review.

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Gallery: Nokia Lumia 900 review

New iPad review

The new iPad. When the third-generation Apple slate was announced, it gained a few new features, but lost a number. Hey, you can't blame Apple for simplifying things, right? Really, though, the new iPad is anything but a simple machine.

When Apple announced the new iPad, the company focused on a few key features that set the third-generation model apart from the iPad 2. The iPad product line is such a runaway success, that we felt it would be more appropriate to focus our review on the things that've changed or been added. After all, the iPad 2 is still a capable tablet, and Apple's still selling it, now at a discounted $399 for the 16 GB model, while the new iPad starts at $499 (although you can get it for less on Amazon.) So let's focus on what the new iPad (3rd generation) brings to the table, and if it's worth your attention. We're talking about things like the Retina display, 4G LTE, A5X SoC processor with quad-core graphics, and dictation. Is that stuff enough to warrant your attention? Let us take you through our iPad (3rd generation) review, and get these questions answered, shall we?

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Gallery: New iPad (3rd generation) review

In this video, we give you a look at the graphics power of the new iPad. The iPad (3rd generation) ships with the A5X processor, which is a dual core chip with a quad-core graphics processor on-board. We demo a few games that take advantage of this added graphics power, including: Sky Gamblers Air Supremacy, Real Racing 2 HD, and Infinity Blade II - all of these titles shows off the Retina display and quad-core graphics amazingly. If you've found other high-quality games that show off the Retina display and graphics nicely, leave 'em in the comments!

Gallery: Video: iPad (3rd generation) quad-core gaming review

Now that we've gone over the new iPad Retina display and the iPad Dictation feature, we're ready to focus on the next big feature of the 3rd generation Apple tablet. The introduction of 4G LTE into the iPad is a bigger deal than many realize, because now you have speeds that rival many home broadband connections, wherever you are. The 3rd generation iPad can even be used as an LTE hotspot, for no additional cost, if you pick up the Verizon Wireless model. In this video, we compare our Wi-Fi network speeds (we have FiOS) against the 4G LTE Verizon Wireless connection. As you'll see, it's impressive.

Gallery: Video: New iPad 4G LTE speed test

We gave you a look at the new iPad Retina display in our last video, and now we're here to show off the DIctation feature. Dictation allows you to speak your words to the iPad while it listens and attempts to turn your words into text typed into the app your using. As you can see in the video, Dictation is easy to use (it's right on the keyboard, next to the space bar,) but it doesn't always get everything perfect. You also need to remember to speak your punctuation when using the feature. It's definitely convenient, and easy to go in and clean up any mistakes after the fact. Get a look at how it all works in the video above.

Gallery: Video: iPad (3rd generation) Dictation review

The new iPad (3rd generation) was released two weeks ago, and in that time, Apple has already sold millions. The biggest and best feature of the device is the high resolution Retina display. When you compare it against the original iPad and iPad 2 displays, it's apparent that it's a big step up from what we've had before. In fact, it's the highest resolution display ever shipped on a portable device. We give you a look at the iPad (3rd generation) focusing on the Retina display in this, the first in a series of videos where we will focus on a major feature of the new iPad.

Gallery: Video: A look at the iPad (3rd generation) Retina display
