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Wednesday December 31, 2008 7:16 pm
Top 10 most popular Bleeding Edge TV episodes of 2008

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Apple, CES, CES 2008, Features, Home Entertainment, Microsoft, PC / Laptop, Video Games
The end of another year is upon us, and that means that our humble little tech video show, Bleeding Edge TV, is turning 3 years old. We figured we’d highlight the ten episodes that you guys watched most over the past year in this recap. We find it hilarious that the most watched video just happened to be the one where one of us willingly got tasered during CES, but hey, why should we be surprised? Aside from that, video games seemed to be popular, as well as some straight up hardware. Hit the jump for the full list.
Oh, and while you’re at it, go ahead and check out the 10 most popular videos from 2007 as well.
#10: TNA iMPACT! interview with Christy Hemme and Christopher Daniels
What do you get when you mix pro wrestling, video games, and an interview with two TNA stars (one of which bring a TNA Knockout)? You get what amounts to our #10 video of the year, where we talk to Christy Hemme and Christopher Daniels about the upcoming TNA iMPACT! video game.
#9: The Voodoo Omen ultimate custom PC
At HP’s Connecting Your World 2008 conference in Berlin, Germany, Rahul Sood of Voodoo PC announced the Voodoo Omen, a new top-of-the-line water-cooled PC using an as-yet-unannounced new set of nVidia SLI GPU’s and a new Intel CPU as well. It also features a fully functional LCD monitor on the front of the case.
#8: AverMedia Volar TV Tuner for Mac
We saw this one at Computex - a digital TV tuner for OS X.
At E3 2008 we got a first-hand look at the upcoming Street Fighter IV game. Apparently you were all as impressed as we were.
#6: New Xbox Experience Definitive Walkthrough
When Microsoft decided to redesign the Xbox 360 dashboard, gamers took notice, making this one our 6th most popular video of the year.
#5: HP Elite Business Rugged Laptops
At HP‘s Connecting Your World event in Berlin, we got a look at these tough and rugged notebooks, rivaling those of Lenovo.
#4: E3 2008 Nintendo Media Briefing
What we thought was a fairly lackluster presentation turned out to be the fourth most popular video of the year. You guys must love you some Wii!
We decided to wait in line overnight for the release of iPhone 3G, and we made the most of it by bringing our cameras with us. We had a good time, gave away a bunch of accessories, and you thought it was so good that it was our third most watched video of the year.
#2: Reggie spotted in Microsoft Xbox Media room at E3
This was a fairly short video by our standards, but hey, we caught the Nintendo of America President, Reggie Fils-Aime, hanging out in the Xbox media room, getting a tour of the New Xbox Experience. We turned the cameras on and caught a bit of the action.
#1: Sparky Gets Tasered (and the Taser MP3 Player)
We didn’t see this one coming at all. I mean we had so many cool videos that we put out, showed off great games, hardware, software, and gadgets. Did over 100 videos from CES alone. Covered the iPhone 3G and all things Apple. However, none of that was enough to take the crown and honor of being our most watched video of the year. No, that one goes to this video, where we are introduced to the Taser MP3 player - but it didn’t stop there. Sparky, the host of the segment, decided he would willingly get tasered. Sparky + Taser = Win.
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Thanx for the links mate.......
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It is really a cool stuff.
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thank you! -
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