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Thursday November 15, 2007 1:18 pm

Huski Chills Your Brew

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Design, Misc. Tech, Science

Huski Beverage Chiller

For those of us who like to nurse our brews, but not after they turn room temperature, we cannot wait for this prototype to come on the market. Invented by 22 year-old Kent Hodgson, the Huski Beverage Chiller can ice up your beer in a few seconds with CO2 and costs about 7 cents apiece. At about the size of a pencil, it forgoes the need to pre-chill drinks or carry around extra ice. It works with plastic cooling cells in a dock that houses the carbon dioxide that expands and becomes dry ice. Hodgson is hoping that his dream will become about a $50.00 realty in time.


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