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Wednesday January 2, 2008 3:15 pm

2007’s Ten Most Popular Episodes of Bleeding Edge TV

We know we are a couple days late, but being the extreme hardcore rockers that we are, we weren’t coherent enough to push out our top 10 most popular episodes of Bleeding Edge TV, Gear Live’s technology video show. Or something like that. Anyhoo, click through to check out the ten videos that were viewed the most in 2007. If we’ve learned anything from compiling the list, it’s that you guys love yourselves some , , , and video games. Exclusives also seem to strike your fancy.

#10: DARPA Grand Challenge Carnegie Mellon Qualifier

We visited one of the fifty or so groups participating in the DARPA Urban Challenge during one of their qualifying rounds. In case you are unaware, the DARPA Urban Challenge is a charge given publicly to groups who are capable of designing and proving the technology for autonomously driven vehicles. Carnegie Mellon University teamed up with GM to create an autonomous SUV they call “Boss”. In order to participate in November’s 60-mile urban driverless race, they need to pass this benchmark. Check out the video to see Boss pull perfect three point turns and beautifully follow traffic rules - even at four way stops with other cars. We’re crazy excited to see this technology come alive in our society. The team from DARPA is darting back and forth across our country qualifying and disqualifying entries. Some of the remaining companies and teams will bring us autonomously driven cars during our lifetime, its amazing how close we already are.

#9: Parallels Desktop for Mac CES 2007 Interview

We sat down with Ben Rudolph from , and got a nice, lengthy demo of the latest version of the software, including an extended look at Coherence mode, straight from the horses mouth. If you want to run Windows on a Mac, be sure to check this one out.

#8: Carnival Games for Wii Previewed

We take you to the floor of the Media Summit to give you a sneak peek at Carnival Games for . In the same vein as Wii Sports, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Wii Play, and others, Carnival Games aims to pack a lot of minigames into their title, all based on those all too familiar carnival classics.

#7: Bluetooth SIG Gives Us Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Demo

Bluetooth SIG just announced the new spec for , that being Bluetooth 2.1+EDR. We had Mike Foley head on over to Gear Live headquarters to give us a first look at what is improved in the new spec, and to show off the ultra-cool near field communication technology that is now a part of Bluetooth. If that isn’t cool enough, we can also expect up to 5x better battery life out of our Bluetooth devices as well, as it pertains to Bluetooth battery drain.

#6: AMD vs. Intel Head-To-Head

While hanging out in the Performance Lab, Pat Moorhead sat down with us to give us a head to head look at a basic Intel G965 chipset up against the AMD 690 series chipset, focusing on gaming performance. These are the off-the-shelf computers you would buy at low cost for $500-800 or so, using integrated graphics chips. You gotta see this side-by-side comparison to see just how amazing the results of the AMD-ATi merger are.

#5: How to Replace Your iPhone Battery

has locked down the battery, which means that once it can’t hold a charge, you need to send it in. If you’d rather just buy your own battery and replace it yourself, we’ve got your hookup. Nate and I got together to film this this tutorial, which shows how to replace your iPhone battery. Heck, even if you have decided that you will never open up your iPhone on your own, we think it’s still pretty cool to see the process - so just hit play, okay?

#4: Parallels 3.0 Interview

We went out to headquarters right outside Seattle to talk to ben Rudolph, and to get a first-hand look at Parallels 3.0. Ben walks us through all of the new features of the latest release of the vastly popular OS X virtualization software, including 3D GPU support, SmartSelect, and Snapshots. If you have been waiting for something truly excellent to enhance your computing experience, this may very well be it.

#3: GamerAndy Live #80

The week before the event down in San Francisco, Andru Edwards, GamerAndy, and Edie Sellers got together to do the first video episode of GamerAndy Live!

#2: iPhone 1.1.3 Feature Walkthrough

Our iPhone 1.1.3 news has been blowing up the Internet. Quite a few people think the images in our iPhone 1.1.3 image gallery were fake, so we figured, why not put up a video? Here is our video proof that iPhone 1.1.3 firmware is, in fact, real. Any questions you want answered about it? Let us know on our forums.

And finally….

#1: How To Mod Your iPhone on Windows

Okay, we know that since released the , you’ve all been wanting to modify it to do your bidding. Over on the OS X side of things, we have iFuntastic, which provides a slick GUI interface for modding your device. New to the Windows side of things is iBrickr. iBrickr is the application that makes it dead simple to modify your iPhone, add and manage custom ringtones, and install third-party applications. We give you a full tutorial of how it all works in this episode.

There you have it guys! Let us know what you think - were those videos worthy? Do you feel like the got left out, or that technology clothing should have been better represented? Hit us in the comments with your thoughts.

Oh, and if you want to make sure you don’t miss any of this sweet, sweet goodness, be sure to subscribe to the sure. We have an iTunes High Resolution version, iTunes iPod version, and plain old RSS subscription.

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