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Quote of the Day: Rupert Everett Advises Gay Actors to Stay Closeted

Rupert Everett

“The fact is that you could not be, and still cannot be, a 25-year-old homosexual trying to make it in the British film business or the American film business or even the Italian film business. It just doesn’t work and you’re going to hit a brick wall at some point. You’re going to manage to make it roll for a certain amount of time, but at the first sign of failure they’ll cut you right off. And I’m sick of saying, ‘Yes, it’s probably my own fault.’ Because I’ve always tried to make it work and when it stops working somewhere, I try to make it work somewhere else. But the fact of the matter is, and I don’t care who disagrees, it doesn’t work if you’re gay… It’s not that advisable to be honest. It’s not very easy. And, honestly, I would not advise any actor necessarily, if he was really thinking of his career, to come out.”

-Openly gay actor (Shrek the Third) giving career advice to other gay stars.

(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)

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Harvey Weinstein Slightly Justifies A Single Man Marketing

Original A Single Man poster

When the original movie poster (above) for Tom Ford’s directorial debut, A Single Man, appeared online, fans questioned whether or not distributors The Weinstein Company was downplaying the major gay theme of the film.

In the film, Colin Firth plays a closeted professor who mourns over his lover’s (Matthew Goode) death. Judging by the poster of Firth in bed with Julianne Moore (whose screen time is rumored to be fairly short), I think it’s safe to say that there was little intention to illustrate said storyline.

Upon the recent release of the film’s second poster (seen after the jump), Harvey Weinstein was questioned about the marketing that seems to say something other than the real message at hand.

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George Clooney Shocked By Stripper Fan

What do you do when you’re George Clooney, and a gay fan strips and asks you for sex?

The 48-year-old actor, who is widely considered one of Hollywood’s sexiest actors, was promoting new movie The Men Who Stare at Goats when the infatuated admirer declared his feelings. The unidentified male stood up in the press conference and said, “I am gay, George, and I think I am in love with you… Please take me.”

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James Franco Talks About Kissing Sean Penn

Sean Penn and James Franco

UPDATE: You can see James Franco detailing his experience with Sean Penn after the jump.

Since so much was made about Scarlett kissing Penelope in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, why don’t we turn the tables for a bit? Later this year, we’ll get to see Sean Penn and James Franco sharing a few lip locks of their own.

In Milk, Sean stars as real-life politician Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected into a public office. (San Francisco’s city supervisor was later assassinated in 1978.) James plays Scott Smith, one of Milk’s boyfriends.

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Us Magazine

All the Buzz on Queen Latifah

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Celeb News, Celebrity Gossip, Rumors,

Queen LatifahThe media is currently engaged in a fierce battle, as every single publication seems to be fighting for a single honor: they want to be one to out Queen Latifah. The rumors and gossip started naturally enough, when MediaTakeOut (an Internet site) announced they have exclusive rights to Queen’s story. The New York Post followed with a teaser that a certain ‘big Hollywood actress’ was soon going to come out of the closet and marry her girlfriend of four years.

The rumor is that Latifah and Jeanette Jenkins have been living together for some time and will soon take their love public in a big wedding. Is it true? Is Queen Latifah even homosexual? Queen and Jenkins have been spied together, but that doesn’t mean marriage is imminent. Who will be the first to break the story…if there even is a story?

Right now, it’s all rumor and conjecture, but keep your eyes peeled for more news on Queen Latifah’s potential wedding.

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E! Online

J.K. Rowling: ‘Dumbledore Is Gay’

DumbledoreAlthough author put the saga to rest this past July, she is still shocking devotees of the series with secrets to this day.  At a reading Friday night in New York’s Carnegie Hall, Rowling was asked if Albus Dumbledore finds true love.  She then revealed a juicy tidbit now ringing throughout the world:  “Dumbledore is gay”.

Those who have read between the lines may have suspected this all along.  Rowling equated Dumbledore’s affections for wizard Gellert Grindelwald as his ‘great tragedy’.  The Hogwarts Headmaster, devastated by Grindelwald’s attraction to the dark side, later went on to defeat his rival.

Confusion about Dumbledore’s sexuality preference almost became an issue in the upcoming big screen installment, .  Rowling made sure director David Yates remove a reference about Albus’ past loves from the adapted script.

Parents unfazed by the revealing news can bring their kids back to theaters in 2008 and 2010.

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Box Office Breakdown:  It’s Super To Be Bad


The Judd Apatow train is bound to hit a roadblock at some point—but for the time being, it’s full steam ahead.  Superbad opened impressively with over $30 million this weekend making it the third Apatow-related project in a row to accomplish this feat (the others being Talledega Nights and Knocked Up).  This is, of course, not taking into consideration the uber-sleeper hit The 40-Year-Old Virgin.

Meanwhile, there was nothing super about Nicole Kidman’s latest outing.  The Invasion, the latest version The Body Snatchers, scared up a dismal $5.9 million (and that’s despite Daniel Craig’s hunky presence).  But I predict a much stronger outing for these two later this year with The Golden Compass.

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Box Office Breakdown:  Audiences Not Yet Tuckered Out

Rush Hour 3

Spider-Man 3, Shrek the Third, Pirates, Ocean’s, Bourne and now Rush Hour 3.  All six three-quels premiered directly at the top of the heap this summer.

Unfortunately, a six-year gap between the second and third Rush installments may have led to what some would consider slightly disappointing receipts.  On any other occasion, a $50 weekend would be something to brag about.  But considering it pales to the $67.4 million brought in by the 2001 predecessor, it’s only worth a pat on the back.

But really, the Disappointment of the Week honor should really fall on Cuba Gooding Jr.  When you’re accepting rejected scripts from the man who played Norbit, you have to wonder where it all went wrong (two words: Chill Factor).  Sadly, Daddy Day Camp was originally slated to be a straight-to-video release but somehow tested well enough to be released in theaters.  Who knows?  Maybe Gooding can pull a Halle and go straight-from-Oscar-to-Razzie.

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Box Office Breakdown:  Bourne Breaks Bank


Matt Damon may still be vying for People magazine’s ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ title—but he has one thing that George Clooney and Brad Pitt don’t have:  the biggest debut for an August opening ever.

The Bourne Ultimatum‘s $70 million take improved upon the previous Bourne installments and gave Damon his largest weekend to date (and that’s including all three Ocean’s movies).

Meanwhile, Lindsay Lohan should be happy that she’s holed up in rehab again—though seeing her movie kicked out of the Top Ten would have probably sent her there anyway.  Apparently theatergoers can only handle one movie about Bratz at a time…

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Box Office Breakdown:  A Homerun For Homer

The Simpsons

Looks like Homer ain’t gonna be needing a deal on donuts anymore….

With a $74 million opening weekend, The Simpsons Movie debuted higher than most of the animated features released…ever.  Only the two Shrek sequels did better.  Quite a head-shaking number since we can still see the series for free on television.  But viewers from every single Springfield in the US—plus a thousand other cities out there—love the family so much, they were willing to pay for more.  Especially when it comes with nudity.

What theatergoers aren’t willing to pay for is more I Know Who Killed Me placed a dismal 9th, possibly due to lack of promotional work by the star.  How ironic that in the end it was Lindsay who was responsible for killing the movie and possibly her career.

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