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MGM may have filed for bankruptcy earlier this week, but the 23rd James Bond movie will receive the financial support it needs. The studio announced that they’ve picked up a partner to foot the bill on Bond.

Daniel Craig, the current Bond, recently released a statement urging MGM to get their movie projects together, so he should be thrilled with this news.

Meanwhile, MGM is still shopping for a partner to pick up the bill on The Hobbit, which comes with a $265 million price tag.

Production for the next 007 film will start soon in order to get it ready for its November 2012 release date.

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Gallery: MGM Bankrupt, But Bond Will Go On


Daniel Craig“Unless MGM can sort themselves out, we can’t make a movie,” , also known as James Bond, offered this less-than-positive comment in a recent interview. “I’m really keen to get going, it’s as simple as that.”

Apparently not. Bond 23, the next planned 007 flick, has been indefinitely suspended by MGM, which is suffering from serious financial difficulties.

“I’d like to fulfill the circle with the story,” Craig said, but added that “there is nothing really to say” until MGM straightens out their financials. “There’s no chance of getting it made until those things are taken care of.”

Bummer, James Bond fans. The franchise will just wait for another day … or year.

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Gallery: Daniel Craig: Eager to Play James Bond Again


Sony Pictures

It isn’t just middle America that’s been affected by the severe economic crisis. Even one of the nation’s most successful ventures, the cinema, is feeling the budget crunch. Some of Hollywood’s biggest names are suffering, as more movie patrons find they can no longer afford box office prices.

is laying off their employees, eliminating around 6% of their current workers. According to a memo given to employees of the company, “the decision to take this step was difficult. But it’s being done in the context of a strategy designed to help us safeguard our competitiveness and chart our own course through these troubled waters.”

Miramax is also struggling in the dangerous economic climate, and sources suggest that the company could be closing its doors for ever in 2011. Six movie projects are still in production, but upon their completion Disney could opt to sell the label.

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Gallery: Sony, Miramax Feeling the Strain of Recession


Which is bigger: Depp or Disney?

Dick Cook, former chairman of the uber-company and friend to actor Johnny Depp, recently left the company and left the fate of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise up in the air. Depp stated that he may discontinue his piracy if Cook is no longer at the helm of the ship.

But here’s the really shocking part: Disney plans to forge ahead without him. Depp is signed up to do On Stranger Tides, the fourth installment in the franchise, but two more movies are planned after this.

So…is there any way the movies could possibly work without Captain Jack Sparrow? Disney’s pretty big…but it’s doubtful the company has the chops to make Pirates work without Depp in the lead.

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Gallery: Pirates Franchise Sails On…Without Depp?


Sam Mendes

claims the recession has made Hollywood dramas and period movies are “almost impossible” to make.

The director says that while his recent movie, , had been done “very cheaply,” other films are struggling in the current economic climate.

“The recession has hit the industry in a very odd way as big movies are more popular than ever,” Mendes said to BBC Radio 4’s The Film Programme. “But the movies in the middle are almost getting squeezed out, which is the big dramas, the movies that do cost a bit of money with well-known actors in them.”

Click to continue reading Sam Mendes Fears for Big Dramas

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Michael Bay bows down to Megan Fox -- they have a love-hate relationshipApparently there are people who love Megan Fox!

Shortly after a trio of anonymous Transformers workers blasted Megan over her comments made about director Michael Bay, a lone production assistant named Anthony Steinhart has thrown his hat into the fiery ring.

Considering that IMDB exists, it isn’t hard to figure out who the anonymous Megan-haters are—Steinhart just wants to clear his name for the record.

Check out his letter, in full, after the jump.

Click to continue reading Lone Transformers Crew Member Defends Megan Fox

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Marvel Entertainment characters

has just added 5,000 characters to its arsenal.

In a deal announced today, The Walt Disney Company says it intends to purchase comic book giant . The acquisition is worth a whopping $4 billion.

“This transaction combines Marvel’s strong global brand and world-renowned library of characters including Iron Man, Spider-Man, X-Men, Captain America, Fantastic Four and Thor with Disney’s creative skills, unparalleled global portfolio of entertainment properties, and a business structure that maximizes the value of creative properties across multiple platforms and territories,” Robert A. Iger, Walt Disney Company’s President and CEO, said in a press release.

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Tommy Lee Jones goes after Paramount

While Fox and Warner Bros. are dealing with their battles, Paramount now has to deal with one of their own, thanks to a $10 million dollar lawsuit compliments of Tommy Lee Jones.

The veteran actor is seeking payment that he claims is rightfully owed to him for the services he provided for the 2007 Coen Brothers’ hit, No Country For Old Men.

Although both Paramount and Jones declined to comment, the actor’s publicist simply pointed to the lawsuit, which notes a contract N.M. Classics (a subsidiary of Paramount’s) that promises Jones “significant box-office bonuses and ‘back-end’ compensation.”

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San Antonio Express-News

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Friends and co-workers Favreau and Downey discuss future projects

UPDATE: Thanks to one of those smarter people who actually brought a camera, The Game Jerk has posted a video of the Q&A that you can check out after the jump.

Although I have continuously kicked myself repeatedly for not bringing a camera last night, I was still at least able to mentally hold on to the great moments witnessed last night at a special screening of Iron Man. While the director was already scheduled to appear for a live commentary at Santa Monica’s Aero Theater, fans of Marvel’s first self-financed film were in for an even better treat when Tony Stark himself, Robert Downey Jr., showed up at the last moment.

Because of the fact that he had not recorded a commentary for the upcoming DVD, director Jon Favreau was quite exuberant over the fact that he was able to do so in person (also because he was not obligated to be politically correct).

Click to continue reading Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau Talk Iron Man 2

Gallery: Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau Talk Iron Man 2


Court sets date for Watchmen trialWhile most Watchmen fans only had the film’s release countdown to consider, a new development in the Watchmen copyright lawsuit has added a new date to watch out for: January 6.

U.S. District Court Judge Gary Allen Feess assigned the date for the case, which is set to decide whether or not Fox does hold the rights to the Watchmen movie. Between the January 6 court date and the film’s scheduled March 6 release, let’s hope that things go in the fans’ favor and they settle this between that time.

If the case goes according to Fox, fans of the highly-anticipated Zack Snyder film will never see that March 6 release happen, which could very well happen come January.

The dispute goes back to 1991, when Fox “quitclaimed” its right to Alan Moore‘s acclaimed graphic novel to Largo Entertainment, with an agreement that the production company was to release the movie under the big studio (if not, Largo Entertainment was to buy the rights through an agreed buyout formula from Fox).

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The Hollywood Reporter

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