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Thursday August 4, 2005 11:24 pm

The Wheelsurf

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Misc. Tech


We know, the Segway is so passe nowadays. Instead of gyroscopic transportation, we want to summon the power of the centrifuge to get us where we want to go. That is exactly what the Wheelsurf aims to provide to those lucky enough to get one in Europe. At about 4,500 Euros, or $5,500 USD, the Wheelsurf requires about a 3 month wait between the time of order and delivery. The Wheelsurf consists of an inner and an outer frame. The inner frame has three small wheels that make contact with the outer frame. The outer frame is the actual rotating wheel and has a solid rubber tire. The rider sits inside the inner frame that also contains the engine, clutch, propulsion mechanism and gas tank. The paradox here is that it’s recommended that you drive it on paved roads, yet it is not yet legal to drive it on public streets. Still, it would be cool to run this thing at its 50 kph in your backyard, no?

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