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DescriptionOver at Major Nelson’s blog, you can see all the latest Xbox titles that are now officially compatible with the Xbox 360. There’s some good news here, including backwards compatibility for Burnout 3: Takedown, Dead to Rights, Sid Meier’s Pirates, Serious Sam. Above all, the real biggie on the list here is back-compat for Counter Strike, which is sure to see a boost in the Xbox Live numbers now.

Fans are juust going to have to keep waiting for some big names on the list - notably missing from the list are Psychonauts and Jet Set Radio Future. You also won’t see Panzer Dragoon, Conker, Rally Sport Challenge 2, Shenmue II, Unreal Championship 2, MechAssault, or Midtown Madness 3, titles that seem to be in fairly high demand in the comments.

The complete list of titles now officially backwards compatible can be found after the jump!

Click to continue reading Xbox August Backwards Compatibility Update - Still No Psychonauts

Read More | Major Nelson's Blog


Texas Hold 'em Xbox 360 Screenshot

Just in case you forgot, starting tonight at 1AM Pacific time and for the next 48 hours, you will be able to download Texas Hold ‘em from the Xbox Live Arcade. After that, you have to pay 800 MS points and admit that you were a lame gamer that didn’t check Playfeed often enough. 😉

One of the cooler features in this release is the “Persistent Bankroll”, a system which should keep the betting fairly realistic:

Your virtual bankroll is tied to your gamertag and keeps a running tally of your chip count. If you lose all of your chips in a poker game, you’ll have to play lower stakes buy-in games to make back your stack and earn your way to the big tables.

This should be a great chance for all of those frugal gamers out there to break into the XBLA scene!

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Xbox Live Texas Hold 'EmMicrosoft has announced that the upcoming release of their Texas Hold ‘em game will be available free of charge for 48 hours. Starting Wednesday, August 23, at 1:00 AM Pacific Time, through Friday, August 25, Xbox Live Gold and Silver members will be able to download the Live game at no cost; after this time, the price goes up to 800 Marketplace points. Microsoft is touting a special “persistent bankroll” for the game; players won’t be able to magically reset their chip count, so this should hopefully add more of an incentive for players to play “correctly.” Additional features include 8 player online play and three different gameplay modes.

Microsoft also took the opportunity to pimp their future releases, including a Cloning Clyde picture pack for 100 points, and two new classic arcade releases from Konami, Time Pilot and Scramble for 400 points each.

The full press release continues below.

Click to continue reading Xbox Live Texas Hold ‘Em Free For 48 Hours

Metal Slug ScreenshotWith the news of development costs for Playstation 3 games soaring (think Stranglehold or Heavenly Sword), a couple development firms are already starting to shy away from Sony’s expensive next-gen platform. The companies’ concerns are two-fold, actually - first, with the time required to create photo-realistic textures, character models, and animations, firms have to spend Hollywood-style sums to produce the expected content for the PS3. But secondly (and perhaps more importantly), with the PS3’s price tag there looms the question of whether the system will ever see the size of installed user base the PS2 has.

For these reasons presumably, Atari and SNK have both announced that they will not be supporting the PS3 platform in the near future. Atari has stated, in an interview with GamesIndustry.biz that the PS3 will not see any new titles from the company “until 2007”. Given that Atari recently sold its Driver franchise to Ubisoft and has been seeing lackluster earnings reports, it’s questionable how much of an impact their announcement will have on Sony’s success. SNK is a slightly stranger piece of news - during a recent interview with Kotaku, they stated:

“There won’t be enough consoles at launch. Few consoles mean few software sales. We need to wait three or four years. Maybe 2009-2010 is a good time to release a game for the PS3”

Coming from most companies, this analysis would make a lot of sense… but SNK, whose success in the games industry has been mainly based on artistically brilliant 2-D fighters and side-scrollers?? For SNK, it seems like development costs shouldn’t really be an issue - the fact that the PS3 can shade 60 trillion pixels per second isn’t going to raise development costs much for the primarily hand-drawn Metal Slug franchise. More likely, then, is that they’re concerned with the second point above—SNK really doesn’t believe Sony is going to sell enough systems to make it worth their while.

Of course, the real irony here is that SNK has thrived in recent years thanks to the PS2’s success, and their interview with Kotaku re-affirms their commitment to that console. Will more developers see developing for the PS2 as an alternative to big-budget PS3 titles? It seems if more companies take that route, Sony could become its own worst enemy.

Read More | GamesIndustry.biz

Read More | Kotaku.com

A trailer is now out for LEGO Star Wars: The Original Trilogy.  The trailer definitely showcases the fun factor of the LEGO Star Wars games and makes me want to find a copy of the first LEGO Star Wars.  The game is set for a September 12th release on all platforms except the Wii.

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NCAA 07 Xbox 360 BoxA demo for NCAA 07 is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace.  NCAA 07 hits store shelves on July 18th.  The demo allows you to play as Florida or Florida State and weighs in at 1.05 GB.  Unfortunately in their desire to lock down the demo EA has limited the quarter length to 1 minute.  This setting limits you to roughly 1 set of downs per quarter with a large disruption in play at halftime.  I was excited for NCAA 07 but if the final product looks and feels like the demo, it will be a long wait for a decent football game on the Xbox 360.

Read More | Major Nelson

White PSP System Sony may think twice next time before it decides to post an edgy new PSP ad - after days of pressure, Sony has finally agreed to pull its controversial “White is Coming” PSP ad (as previously blogged about here). In a statement found on Reuters, Sony concedes:

“We recognise that the subject matter of one specific image may have caused concern in some countries not directly affected by the advertising. As a result, we have now withdrawn the campaign.”

Personally, the phrasing of “concern in some countries not directly affected by the advertising” seems a bit snarky to me - the Sony rep is obviously referring to the fact that while the ad was posted in the Dutch market, it seemed to raise the most ire here in the US. Still, I for one am glad that Sony can still admit its mistakes once in a while.

Read More | Reuters

Super Paper MarioWhile Nintendo’s Wii has been getting all the attention, there are still some high profile titles for the Gamecube coming down the pipe. Unfortunately for gamers, some of these titles may see a delay. Siliconera is reporting that Super Paper Mario and Donkey Kong Bongo Blast have both been delayed in Japan, with current release dates unknown. In the US, Super Paper Mario has also apparently been pushed back. Nintendo’s official US site and Gamestop are both still reporting the October 9, 2006, release date at this time.

Read More | Siliconera

GameFly.com LogoSo what if you don’t own the systems yet…you might as well start reserving the PS3 and Wii launch titles! Gamefly.com, one of the leaders in online gaming rental, has recently added PS3 and Wii tabs to their site meaning that you can currently put your favorite PS3 and Wii games at the top of your queue so that you don’t miss out when they ship. Somehow, I’m guessing they might run into some shortages when these games first come out.

Currently, GameFly.com is sporting 26 titles for the Playstation 3 and 27 titles for the Wii. (All, of course, “coming soon”) The full list of titles available can be found after the jump.

Click to continue reading GameFly is Ready For Next Gen

Read More | GameFly.com

CSI 3 Title GraphicTelltale Games, developer of the episodic Bone games and the (drool) soon-to-be-released 3D Sam and Max game, recently posted that a new sequel in the CSI series, CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder is now available for purchase, along with a download-able demo of a sample case from the game.

The game appears to be receiving some fairly good reviews for its excellent voice acting, good 3D crime scene graphics, and immersive gameplay. For $30, you should be able to squeeze about 8-10 hours of solid gameplay out of this one, which might be a slightly better dollar-per-hour ratio than the similarly episodic Half Life 2: Episode 1 (although who can really say, when it comes to the dollar-per-fun ratio). Check out the demo and the site in the link below.

Read More | TelltaleGames.com

