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Yes, it’s true… God of War II is going to be amazing, at least if this trailer is any indication. Given the graphics and animations seen in this trailer (which look good enough to pass for an early “next-gen” title), it begs the question - should Sony just give up on next-gen? The PS2 has been a cash cow for Sony for a long time, and if developers can pump out titles of this quality for the system, why not just stick with what’s working? From all the latest news on the PS3, it certainly sounds like developers wouldn’t mind going back to the PS2 and writing some more quality games for the console.

Read More | GameTrailers.com


Penny Arcade Expo LogoWith E3 cancelled (or at least significantly altered and shrunken), and an uncertain new “E for All” expo taking its first baby steps, THE gaming convention for the hardcore is shaping up to be next year’s Penny Arcade Expo, and the organizers seem to know this…

This year, PAX will move from its humble roots in Bellevue, WA to the larger and significantly more prominent Washington Trade and Convention Center. The event will be held from August 26th-28th and expects to see about 30,000 gamers converging on the Center as one sweaty, black-T-shirted mass.

It should be interesting to see how many developers and publishers decide to exhibit this year, given that this is now THE major venues for gaming companies to meet with their consumers.

Read More | PennyArcadeExpo.com

Cosmic Family ScreenshotWhile the Xbox 360 is the current king of the online arena, there’s likewise little doubt that the Wii is quickly becoming king of the mini- and micro-game arena. Rayman: Raving Rabbids and now WarioWare: Smooth Moves have proven to be great entries on the mini-game front, and Ubisoft will soon be releasing it’s second entry, Cosmic Family. The Fam’ will be a more (surprise!) family-oriented game and is “designed to improve children’s memory, hand-eye coordination, creativity and imagination.” It sounds like a great idea, especially given the Wii’s implementation of a simple point-n-click interface.

Any bets on whether the Wii may be taking a chunk of business away from the LeapFrog in the near future?  Cosmic Family will be launching in mid-2007, and we’ll keep our eyes open for screenshots and gameplay impressions as the title develops.

The full press release can be found after the jump…

Click to continue reading Ubisoft Announces “Cosmic Family” for Wii

Read More | Ubisoft.com

DescriptionEA has announced yet another game in the cash-cow Sims universe… this time it’s a set of standalone “Stories” built around characters in the Sims universe. Unlike previous Sims games, which seemed designed to suck every moment of your real life away so that you could give it to your virtual character, The Sims Stories are self-contained (i.e., they don’t require any previous games or expansion packs) and designed for short, casual play on PC laptops with modest specs. The first in a series, The Sims: Life Stories will be a comedy/romance which you play from the perspective of two different generically-named Sims, “Riley” and “Vince”. The initial story will be followed by The Sims: Pet Stories and The Sims: Castaway Stories.

Maybe it’s just that I never really got into the Sims universe, but this sounds like it has “flop” written all over it. How is EA going to convince gamers to spend their money on generic adventure games about everyday characters? It’s a lot like trying to convince somebody to play Sam and Max, but without any artistic style or wacky characters. I suppose you could make the argument that Sims Stories is to reality TV as Sam and Max is to cartoons (and boy is that there reality TV popular these days), but somehow I don’t see this working in the gaming sphere.

Regardless of its success, these games look like they were rather cheap for EA to produce, and will probably net them a bit of a profit. The game was only announced today, but will be debuting in stores on February 7, 2007, a scant 3 weeks away.

Click the jump for EA’s full press release…

Click to continue reading EA Announces “The Sims Stories” Designed for PC Laptop

Read More | EA.com

DescriptionWith its shiny new exterior and designer-sounding color, the “champagne” PSP appears to be trying to emulate the success of the Dolce and Gabbana RAZR. Personally, I think the shade ends up looking a lot more like the default color choice for Cadillac-driving old fogies.

Whether you love it or hate it, though, chances are you won’t be able to get your hands on this PSP for a while anyway. These tiny bubbles won’t be available in the States just yet, and currently the only place you can read about it is on the poorly-Google-translated Playstation Japan website. If you’re into the import scene, you should see these popping up on eBay around February 22nd, for around $200.

Read More | Google Translation of jp.playstation.com

Zelda: Ocarina of TimeA press release from Nintendo of Europe has the Virtual Console receiving 36 new titles in the first quarter of 2007. Nintendo plans on offering 20 new Nintendo titles, 7 from the Turbografx-16, and 9 from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. Some of the titles have already hit the US, including Street Fighter II, but gamers in the UK will also see the classic Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. No release date for this game has been revealed for the US, but hopefully gamers in the North American territory will see this as well as Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario World around the same time that the games launch in Europe. Of course, gamers that managed to grab either the Zelda: Master Quest or Zelda: Collector’s Edition for the Gamecube could play those titles now, but the Virtual Console version is a lot cheaper than a trip to eBay to get those releases.

Read More | Nintendo Europe

DescriptionActivision has finally announced a launch date for Guitar Hero 2 on the Xbox 360, and while it’s not too far away, the wait is going to seem interminable for most Xbox 360 owners. You’ll be able to get your hands on the Xbox 360 iteration of the game, along with the specially-designed “Xplorer” guitar, around easter 2007. In addition, Red Octane has plans for the Microsoft marketplace and its possibilities for downloadable content.

Dusty Welch, Head of Publishing, RedOctane, said of the game when it was first unveiled back at X06 last September: “With its large integrated hard drive, Xbox 360 provides an incredible platform for facilitating downloadable content. We believe there is no better title to feature micro-transactions than a music game like Guitar Hero II, where the content is the basis of your experience. The relationship with the Xbox Live Marketplace creates endless possibilities for exclusive content.”

Playstation fans may be able to gloat for a while at the fact that the Xbox won’t be seeing a wireless guitar just yet (the Xplorer included with the game will be wire-ful). Then again, Microsoft fans might be just as keen to point out the fact that you can’t even play Guitar Hero on the PS3, due to its lack of PS2 controller ports.

Read More | VideogamesBlogger.com

LA Convention Center

After holding a contest to rename the E3 replacement formerly known as the “Gamepro Expo”, they’ve finally decided on a new, decidedly inclusive name: “E for All”. There have been a fair share of comments online about this sounding like a drug-heavy rave, but personally I think it sounds like a great name for a show that’s designed to be all-inclusive. (Although who knows why they didn’t go with “E for Everyone”, is it patented by the ESRB or something??!)

The game show, much like E3, will give gamers the chance to test out the newest games and interact with industry insiders, and will be hosted at the L.A. Convention Center in sunny California. Prices for tickets and event attendees haven’t been announced yet, but we’ll keep you posted as we learn more.

Read More | Gamepro.com

PS3 LineOh sure, we may have laughed at those poor bastards waiting in the cold for Sony’s latest - cold, hungry, sheltered from the elements only by their tents and the overhang of the Wal-Mart’s entrance. But they’re the ones laughing now - turns out, via a recent study, that the average price of a pre-sold PS3 auctioned on eBay was hovering around $2600. In recent weeks, the price has dropped to around $2000, but there obviously are still a lot of rich, impatient gamers out there looking to get their hands on this console ASAP.

So maybe it WAS worth it to quit your job and wait in line for a week - I know I don’t make $2,000 in that amount of time. Congratulations Mr. Waiting Out In the Cold for Electronics Guy… this Bud’s for you.

Read More | FierceGameBiz

Lara Croft on GamecubeIt’s been a busy week ladies and gentlemen - Sony’s Playstation 3 will be released in a matter of hours, and the Wii will follow shortly in two days. You’ve got a lot to keep track of - reviews for the new systems, choices on which consoles to pick up. With all that going on, it’s no wonder that you probably didn’t notice that Tomb Raider: Legends shipped today for Nintendo’s Gamecube, DS, and GBA platforms. While the GC iteration follows quite a few months after the PS2 / Xbox 360 iterations, the game received fairly high scores across the board, and might be a great bargain-bin buy for folks looking to get every last hour out of their soon-to-be-obsolete Gamecube. And, with Wii’s backwards compatibility for GC games, you won’t be wasting your money.

Eidos seemed to learn that it pays to support Nintendo when Lego Star Wars sold phenomenally on the GC. Here’s hoping that Eidos decides to support Nintendo in their current console iteration!

Read More | Tomb Raider.com

