How does one start their own blogging site?
Posted: 31 May 2008 10:51 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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I’ve gone to many sites for “moms” that are blogs and have wondered how to do it myself. I just have one big problem…I wouldn’t know the first thing to talk about. Where do people get there information? How do they know where to go? How long does it take to make a blogged site successful? Is there a way to make a living in this area?

The reason I am asking is because I stay at home all day, every day. I go to school online and take care of my kids. My husband works full time running his own business yet we are always strapped for money (it takes a lot to run a business). He has his taxidermy business and builds websites for people in his industry (hunting, fishing, guiding and others) but I don’t know enough to help. I have always wanted to have that “stay at home” job so that I can be home with my kids but am so affraid of not doing so well at it since I’m not very knowledgeable in information.

I would love to know all of the how to’s if anyone has information. I would love to learn ways of building my own imcome doing something fun and something that will keep me home with my kids.  :cheese:

Thanks everyone…Barb

Posted: 31 May 2008 12:08 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
In The Club
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Joined  2008-05-29

i think u can start with a site called

Posted: 31 May 2008 12:29 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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I am right there with you - I would love to ‘work from home’ too.
In answer to a couple of your questions :
If you don’t know the first thing to talk about, maybe you need to change your topic of interest (or make it a little broader). I would start out with something that I am really interested in, or have a lot of personal knowledge about. 

Or you could start compiling information into docs ( like typing up experiences you have had with your kids while the details are still fresh) creating articles that would stay current for a good period of time (tips and how-tos for new moms, from things that you did as a new mom), and research new things (you said you do a lot on the internet) related to your master topic (you said it was for moms, right?) and so forth.

I have searched for stay at home offers, but none of the ones I found are reasonable, unless you are a very dedicated person, and have a little extra money to invest and a lot of time.

I’m not trying to put anything down, or disappoint you, I am only relaying what little I know. In fact, I must express much encouragement, because I know it is very hard to start something up at home and have it be successful. If you do find anything, please let me know, I would be glad to further help if I can.

Posted: 31 May 2008 12:38 PM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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Thank you for the information thus far. I have looked into sites of interest and since I am a parent, this has always been my top topic, yet I’m more of a babbler and not so good at keeping to a certain discussion for too long. I just naturally have that “short attention span” going on and tend to get frustrated very easily when I feel like I’m not doing it right (even without asking someone elses opinion first). I guess after having three kids that are with me everyday 24/7…I tend to mimic their actions as well. I’m just a really big kid at heart; maybe that’s why my kids friends say I’m cool (even my fifteen year old tells me…and that’s a big deal to me).

Anyways, thanks for the info…I know I’m not ready to start one yet, but I am definitely in the “thinking” faze of my actions…more of the “idea” going off. I’ll keep you informed if I ever get one off and running because I’ll need some input and opinions of my work.

Posted: 31 May 2008 01:11 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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Joined  2008-05-31 is a podcasting site started by Geeknewscentral (who are also holding a giveaway and you can STILL enter 😊 ) You’ll need a microphone and your own site to host the podcast though.

You don’t really need anything to start your own blogging site. I’ve seen many WordPress and Google Blogger sites that are very successful. Just sign up for one and you’re all set. Of course you’ll need readers 😛

Posted: 31 May 2008 01:15 PM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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I think the “reader” part would be the hardest for me to accumulate…being that it is hard to think of (for me anyways) things to write about that people would want to read and respond too. It’s still one of the things I think about doing often.

Posted: 31 May 2008 01:23 PM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
In The Club
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Joined  2008-05-26 LOL man that was hilarious.

If you plan to get a blog of your own,You better not be frustrated very easily.It takes time ,and there is no straight formula in this regard.
Write or speak about stuff you know,and decide who would be possible target audience.After all a geek isnt going to go and read a blog named “mom and 3 kids” (just an analogy).

Posted: 31 May 2008 01:31 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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DOOOMKULTUS has a point you know. And how’s Rawvoice hilarious? It’s a podcasting, which is actually very common among technology blog sites.

Blogging does take time. You’ll need to think about what you’re going to talk about. Personal life? Tech? Medical things? Cuisine? Anything and everything odds and ends? There’s lots of possibilities, but do realize what you blog about determines how many readers you get 😊

Posted: 31 May 2008 02:07 PM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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@ SKyFuser
I know Rawvoice and i can see what you are trying to say,i was refering to the desperation of brown88.I mean comon, you can’t start right away with podcasting it takes some understanding many people who are familiar with tech arent aware of podcasting.
And recommending rawvoice would have been a long shot.
Anyways i just find anything that brown now types funny.Maybe thats my fault but can’t help it.

Posted: 31 May 2008 04:05 PM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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barbarabaker - 31 May 2008 01:51 PM

I’ve gone to many sites for “moms” that are blogs and have wondered how to do it myself. I just have one big problem…I wouldn’t know the first thing to talk about. Where do people get there information? How do they know where to go? How long does it take to make a blogged site successful? Is there a way to make a living in this area?

The reason I am asking is because I stay at home all day, every day. I go to school online and take care of my kids. My husband works full time running his own business yet we are always strapped for money (it takes a lot to run a business). He has his taxidermy business and builds websites for people in his industry (hunting, fishing, guiding and others) but I don’t know enough to help. I have always wanted to have that “stay at home” job so that I can be home with my kids but am so affraid of not doing so well at it since I’m not very knowledgeable in information.

I would love to know all of the how to’s if anyone has information. I would love to learn ways of building my own imcome doing something fun and something that will keep me home with my kids.  :cheese:

Thanks everyone…Barb

Hello Barbara,

Blog about something you are interested in.  Perhaps technology, food/cooking, etc.  Once you’ve thought up of your topic you need to start making content.  Make frequent blog posts, and update your blog daily.  This is the key to success.  There is no easy way of starting a blog, it takes a lot of time and dedication.  You should do it as a hobby, not just to make money, otherwise you would find it hard!  You can get started by registering on a free blog website like or .  They’re very simple to use blog services.  Once you’ve got your blog set up and your posts, you can sign up with affiliates like Google Adsense (, set ads up on your blog and earn revenue through clicks.  The ads from Google Adsense are relevant to your content so they will definitely not scare your visitors away.
