STAR TREK: J.J. Abrams, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and John Cho Make It So!
It’s finally here. I’m talking about neither killer bees nor swine flu, nor Arlen Specter’s vote on anything pro-Democratic. I’m talking about the new Star Trek movie by J. J. Abrams starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and John Cho (Harold Lee is Sulu? Inspired!)
I’m a fan of Star Trek, but I don’t get the vapors over every new ST movie or series, or any glitch in continuity, nor do I love all things Trek. Any time the Star Trek crew beams down to a planet where the background looks like Ape City from Planet of the Apes and all the inhabitants are wearing burlap tunics as they rebel against an evil alien force who’s using them for either meat, factory work, or target practice, I’m out.
I don’t refer to Star Trek as TOS (The Original Series), I don’t care how the animated series fits into continuity, and I don’t care if anyone calls me a Trekker, a Trekkie or “Romulan Praetor.” I know just enough Star Trek trivia to run a category on “Jeopardy,” (“I’ll take ‘The Jeffries Tube’ for $400, Alex.”) but not enough to debate Klingon military history with a guy dressed as a Klingon speaking Klingon.
But I do have some Star Trek cred – thanks to writer-producer Larry Brody, I’ve actually met and chatted with D.C. Fontana at a writer’s conference in L.A.; I edited the launch issues of Malibu Comics’ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine comic book and toured the set of the DS9 TV series (with artist Gordon Purcell); I had lunch with Alexander Siddig where we talked about our favorite video games; and I was once interviewed (by Mark Altman) for the official Star Trek magazine.
So I feel I have enough of a background in Star Trek to start a flame war by doing what all the other cool kids are doing: listing their five favorite Star Trek movies. Here are mine:
Review of 2nd Star Trek movie trailer

Posted by David Torres Categories: Editorials, Movies, Reviews,
A car is moving fast through the desert. It’s being chased by a motorcycle. The car is heading towards a cliff. The driver can’t stop in time and jumps out of the car barely making it out. The driver is a young boy. The motorcyclist is driving a futuristic speeder. The young boy announces to the cyclist that he is James Tiberius Kirk. So opens the new trailer for next year’s relaunch of the Star Trek franchise.
I wouldn’t call myself a “Trekker” or a “Trekkie” (I don’t know which is the preferred term these days), but I have seen a ton of Star Trek over the years.
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