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WEBCOMICS: Thinkin’ Lincoln With Miles Grover, Mark Twain and Edgar Allan Poe!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Interviews,

Quick, name a strip that might feature a rap battle between Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, a recurring cast of supporting players including zombie Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Jose de San Martin, Queen Elizabeth II, Punxsutawney Phil, and pie charts. Can’t do it? I can. It’s Thinkin’ Lincoln by Miles Grover. If you like your historical figures hysterical, petty, snarky, and anachronistic, you’ll want to hang out every day with Abe and his dead friends .

Besides, where else will you find Abe Lincoln saying “Yesss, I am an awesome boyfriend?”

TOM MASON: Okay, Miles, why Abraham Lincoln?
MILES GROVER: I just really admire Abraham Lincoln. A while into making the strip, I realized it’s kind of a funny way of showing it though, casting Lincoln as this sort of idiotic, buffoonish man-child.
TOM: How do you decide which historical figures to throw in?

Click to continue reading WEBCOMICS: Thinkin’ Lincoln With Miles Grover, Mark Twain and Edgar Allan Poe!


WEEKEND READING: Star Trek, Howard Chaykin, Buscema, and the Ultraverse!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,

Lots of great stuff this week on the internets, covering a wide variety of my geeky interests. Here’s a few of them to occupy you ‘til Monday.

STAR TREK CONTINUITY: to celebrate the release of J. J. Abrams new Star Trek movie, let’s revisit some classic Star Trek continuity, courtesy of Steve Ahlquist at Forces of Geek. (Did I mention that’s one of my favorite blogs?) He works his geek-magic on the continuity of the original series, the Gold Key Star Trek comic books, Vulcan poetry from Star Trek fanzines, James Blish’s novelizations and even Star Trek merchandise. Even if you only click the link to see Sky Diving Parachutist Mr. Spock, you have to visit.

HOWARD CHAYKIN: One of Howard Chaykin’s most recent pieces of work didn’t make it in the American edition of Christian Moerk’s debut novel, Darling Jim. At the author’s request – he’s a big fan, especially of Chaykin’s American Flagg! - Howard created an illustration for Moerk’s book. You can see a snippet of the excised art at the link where there’s a link to the much larger full-sized version. Thanks, GalleyCat!

Click to continue reading WEEKEND READING: Star Trek, Howard Chaykin, Buscema, and the Ultraverse!


Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,

As part of its Presidents’ Day Celebration, Marvel Comics has produced a 6-page digital comic - Gettysburg Distress - starring America’s 16th President, Spider-Man and Captain America. That’s right, Abe Lincoln is a part of the Marvel Comics Universe, just like the Skrulls, Nick Fury, Iron Man and Irving Forbush. Here are Honest Abe’s thoughts on today’s comics and the current marketplace.

TOM: Mr. Lincoln, why did you choose to appear in a Marvel Comics project?

ABRAHAM LINCOLN: “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.”

TOM: Did you use an agent to negotiate your appearance?

MR. LINCOLN: “My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.”

TOM: Did you know that by appearing in a Marvel comic, they now hold the copyright to your likeness on those pages?

MR. LINCOLN: “Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it.”

TOM: Did you have any input in picking your creative team or the direction of the story?

MR. LINCOLN: “I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.”

TOM: Do you foresee yourself at some point really rolling up your sleeves and duking it out with a few Marvel villains?

Click to continue reading Q&A: MARVEL COMICS’ ABRAHAM LINCOLN

