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Jessica AlbaJessica Alba

Before you ask why stepped out of the house in her pajamas, keep these things in mind:

  1. She’s a new mother.
  2. They’re Dolce & Gabanna!
  3. She was only going to watch My Bloody Valentine 3D.

(Make sure to check out our other questionable outfits.)

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Even though she walked away as one of the biggest names of 2008, isn’t exactly pleased with those who became famous along with her. In an interview for a documentary called Media Malpractice, the Alaska governor said she found it interesting how others benefitted from her campaign run.

“I did see that Tina Fey was named entertainer of the year and Katie Couric’s ratings have risen. I know that a lot of people are capitalizing on, oh I don’t know, perhaps some exploiting that was done via me, my family, my administration — that’s a little bit perplexing, but it also says a great deal about our society.”

Click to continue reading Sarah Palin Airs Her Opinions About Katie Couric and Tina Fey

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In a pre-taped interview for The View, talked to the ladies about the death of Jett Travolta. Tom - who is a well-known Scientologist - was quite close with both John and Kelly.

When asked for a comment on the tragedy, the choked up star found it difficult to express his emotions. “I remember Jett when he was born. I saw him when he was a few months old and John just adored him.”

Tom went on to deny any rumors about Scientologists being anti-medication. “That’s not true. It’s actually the opposite. They say, ‘Look get your physical, get your medication.’ Illness is handled. It’s actually the exact opposite.”

That segment with Cruise will air this Friday.

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Britney Spears Papers were filed Monday with the L.A. Superior Court that have pretty well sealed the fate of one , who from now on will no longer be the captain of her own ship. That’s right - Daddy’s got control, and he’s going to keep it.

Jamie Spears has officially been awarded permanent conservatorship, or guardianship, of daughter Britney. He’ll determine what to do with her finances, career and personal life from now on…until the agreement is severed through death or the court system. Spears now has the legal right to pull the strings on Brit’s life, even to “restrict and limit visitors by any means.”

Seriously, does this sound a little ominous to anyone else?

Jamie Spears reportedly received a raise for his guardianship role recently, getting bumped up to $75 per hour. The raise gave him an income hike of about $51,000 annually. Now, he makes around 16 large per month just to hold Brit’s hand, tell her what to do and in general run her life. Basically, he’s getting paid to take care of his daughter. ...Is it me, or is that weird?

Lord Acton’s words from 1887 are often paraphrased into a famous quote which I think is relevant here:

“Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

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Lindsay Lohan“I want to do all the things that will make me feel fulfilled. But whenever I do those things, people think it’s a press stunt or something.” This was only one of many things said to Lauren Hutton in her new piece with Interview Magazine. The cover shows Linds making a weird face, and the interview itself is supposed to offer a more intimate look at Lohan.

However, she spends most of her time complaining about the paps. “You know, my car accident that I got into, where I got my first charge, I wouldn’t have been speeding up like I was if I didn’t have people shoving cameras in my windows,” she explained.

So…why not just drop out of the biz entirely? In later comments, Lindsay offered a little insight into her own goals. “I wanted to be a movie star,” she admitted. “But, movie stars are not what they used to be.” Sister, you’re preachin’ to the choir on that one.

“I work just as hard as any other actress around my age,” Lindsay said, “but I just don’t get the opportunities that they get because people are so distracted by the mess that I created in my life.”

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Princes William and Harry

of England has given her two famous grandsons something two young men can really appreciate: their own royal households.

For those of you without noble blood, the term “household” doesn’t necessarily refer to a place of residence but to a full-time staff. Between the two of them, the royal boys will share three main staff members who have their own small team of supporters. The job? To look after the princes’ military, public and charitable activities. St. James’s Palace will hold the household.

But the gifts don’t end there. To commemorate this newfound bit of prestige, each prince now has his own personal cypher. Think of it as a royal brand, a symbol to express their standing. Prince William’s cypher is the letter W in red, the same color as the cyphers belonging to his father and grandmother, with a coronet on top. Prince Harry’s cypher is blue, the same color as the one which once belonged to Princess Diana, featuring the letter H.

They’ve got logos, crowns and now their own personal staffers. It looks like the boy princes have finally become royal men.

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Ben Affleck and Jennifer GarnerIf I didn’t know any better, I’d think was trying to keep up with Matt Damon.

In other baby news, Affleck and wife, Jennifer Garner, welcomed their second child today. Although little information has been released about the birth, we do know that Violet Affleck will be passing down clothes to a younger sister.

This now makes two girls for Ben and Jen. Best pal Damon has also had two little ladies of his own. (Wife, Luciana, also has another daughter from a previous marriage.)

Congratulations to the happy parents!

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Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell

Rebecca Romijn: Despite being pregnant with twins, Romijn was able to deliver her babies without being noticed. The Ugly Betty star and her husband, actor Jerry O’Connell, welcomed two baby girls late last month. The little ladies - born on December 28 - were named Dolly Rebecca Rose and Charlie Tamara Tulip. Dolly was for Romijn’s favorite singer (Dolly Parton) and Charlie was named after Jerry’s brother.

Click to continue reading Hollywood Baby Roundup: January 6, 2009

Jessica Simpson and Tony RomoLooking to try some new recipes in 2009? Then the 2008 Cowboys Family Cookbook might be right up your alley.

For just $25, you can own suggestions submitted by “the Wives of the Dallas Cowboys”—and two from .

Despite the misleading title, the book’s organizer, Happy Hills Farm Academy/Home, says contributions were not limited to those who actually had a ring on their finger. “We just work with whomever they’re currently living with,” founder Ed Shipman told the NY Daily News. “There’s probably a third of the women that are in there that are considered significant others.”

If you’re interested in purchasing a copy of the book (proceeds help pay for the daily care of at-risk children), you can find more information here. Otherwise, you can simply check out what Tony Romo’s “significant other” shared after the jump.

Click to continue reading Jessica Simpson a Wife of a Cowboy?

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Travolta Family

John Travolta, who , is a Scientologist - as are many who orbit the planet called Hollywood. Like any religion, there are special customs to be observed when a member of the faith passes into the great beyond.

...What are they?

At a typical Scientology funeral, the one being honored is directly addressed “as a spiritual being, and is meant to acknowledge the life they lived and their right to move on,” according to spokesman Tommy Davis.

Scientology funeral services are generally kept simple and often include readings from the works of science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. But there may or may not be a coffin present, as the body is not the focus for subscribers to the Scientology faith. They believe in thetans, or energy, that is attached to the body. When the body dies, the thetan moves on to a new host. Scientologists do not believe in Heaven or a Nirvana-type place where the departed dwell in eternity, but rather that one’s life-force (thetan) will be recycled again and again.

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