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December 01, 2004

Sony Introduces New MP3-Compatible Walkman

Sony Hard Drive Walkman
It holds 20 gigs, it comes in different colors, and they dubbed it the new Sony Walkman for added measure. Sounds like a plan to me. The battery on Sony's latest model, the NW-HD3, is also said to last 2.5 times longer than the iPod's 12-hour capacity, though prices are a little higher, at least in Britain where it will be available before Christmas. It's still compatible with the less popular Atrac music format as well.

Read More | Cnet

Posted by Hector at December 1, 2004 05:30 AM

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It's about time Sony made the switch and gave into the mp3 format. No one likes or enjoys the atrac format. Good to hear that it will last the usual 20-30 hours that is usually found in Sony products. My guess this product will be rather expensive though, as most Sony products are. Pobody's Nerfect. One step at a time Sony, one step at a time. What's next? Affordable Sony products? nah, lol.

Posted by: Antman22 at December 1, 2004 06:31 AM

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