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December 24, 2004

Notebook Makers Moving to Slimmer Designs

Seems like consumers are starting to wake up and realize that a powerful notebook also needs to be a slimmer and lighter one. According to an article at Cnet, a year ago, two-thirds of the notebooks on the market had desktop processors but also were heavier than 7.5 pounds. Notebook chipmakers are starting to shift to the new trend, with Intel planning to use "Sonoma"--the next version of its Centrino bundle--to help the market move toward slimmer notebook models beginning in 2005. Some of the bigger contributors to current heavies are screen size, and processors requiring huge heatsinks and more fans.

Read More | Cnet

Posted by Hector at December 24, 2004 09:17 AM

Speed Up Firefox
Notebook Makers Moving to Slimmer Designs
Gear Live Holiday Music Guide 2004
Are Cell Phones Harmful?
Gear Live Giveaway: Three DVD's of Your Choice

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