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December 12, 2004

Konfabulator Available for Windows and Mac

Konfabulator Widgets

Konfabulator was once a superb Mac program that offered a truly unique computing experience. Those days are no more, because Konfabulator is now available on the Windows OS as well (we know, it's been out for a month). I just got around to downloading it, and it doesn't seem that there is any loss of functionality between the Mac and Windows versions. For those who don't know what it is, Konfabulator runs widgets, which you can download for free. Widgets are tiny programs that run on your desktop. For an example, check out the screenshot above. I have widgets telling me the weather, my WiFi signal, the time, etc. It really is just the tip of the iceberg, though. Let us know what some of your favorite widgets are in the comments section.

Read More | Konfabulator

Posted by Andru at December 12, 2004 03:21 AM

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