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December 06, 2004

Cart Gaming: Wal-Mart's Latest Trend

Video Game Cart Wal-Mart

You gotta love it a kid that just doesn't care what anyone else thinks. Apparently, he decided to try out a game while waiting for Mommy to finish shopping. I guess she took a little longer than he expected, so he pulled up a chair...er...shopping cart and figured he would just play to his hearts content. I implore each and every one of you to go to your nearest Wal-Mart, Target, or any other major chain that has shopping carts. Regardless of your size, hop in and start playing a game. Hell, if you snap a picture and send it to us you may even score some free gear. God Bless America.

(Thanks illwon!)

Posted by Andru at December 6, 2004 11:40 PM

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