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November 29, 2004

Lycos Strikes Back At Spammers

Lycos DDoS ScreensaverThis has got to be one of the coolest things I have seen on the news scene in a while. In an effort to stop spammers, European Lycos sites are now doing a "Make Love, Not Spam" "promotion". What exactly is it? Get ready. All you need to do is drop an email to Lycos via their site, and they will send you information on downloading their screensaver. Install it, and you will help to frustrate known spammers about as much as they frustrate you. When the screensaver is active, it is constantly requesting information from spammer IP addresses. This causes a lot of uneccessary (and expensive) bandwidth usage for the spammer. Now they can choose to ignore it and pay the higher fees, or they can come out and try to take Lycos to court. However, in doing so they are then basically outing themselves as spammers and will be subject to the discipline that comes with that. Simply Genius.

Read More | Lycos UK

Posted by Andru at November 29, 2004 11:21 PM

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