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November 23, 2004

JFK Reloaded Lets You Kill Kennedy All Over Again

JFK Reloaded

If you have ever wanted to step into the shoes of Lee Harvey Oswald, now you can. JFK Reloaded has just stolen all the controversy that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was enjoying just a week ago. In the game, your goal is to recreate the shot fired by Mr. Oswald, assassinating John F. Kennedy while he is riding in his motorcade. Most disturbing? You can win up to $100,000.00 USD if you can accurately kill Kennedy in the same way concluded in the Warren Commission report. Thankfully, this game is only available on PC - we won't be seeing this on the any home consoles or in stores. It has recently been condemned by the Kennedy Family.

Read More | JFK Reloaded

Posted by Andru at November 23, 2004 10:55 PM

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Oh my gosh, I imagine more than the Kennedy family would condemn this. What next? A movie glorifying the murder of a messiah? Oh wait, that's already been done =\

What's the world coming to?!

Posted by: Andreux at November 24, 2004 03:30 AM

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