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November 07, 2004

Free Cash. You Read That Right.

Free Tivo Series 2 or CashSo, we have been pretty high on OfferCentric lately. After all, this network of incentive based sites has hit the internet hard and garnered itself a solid userbase due to their member-friendly attitude. In an attempt to continue the trend, OfferCentric is now allowing members to choose from cash cards or Paypal payments in lieu of a free gift.

For example, if you sign up at DVRs4Free.com you are able to earn yourself a free TiVo Series 2 or ReplayTV. If you don't want either of those, then you can opt to get a $275 USD Paypal payment or a Visa gift card in the same amount. You can do the same at Cameras4Free.com, and choose a $325 cash prize instead of a digital camera. It is safe to assume that any future OfferCentric sites will also offer cash payments as well, just in time for the holidays. Sign up using one of the links above, and we will add your referal link to this story.

Edit: Not to be outdone, it looks like PrizeCube is doing the same thing. In fact, if you sign up for a free portable video player you can get a $500 gift card instead.

Posted by Andru at November 7, 2004 09:41 PM

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