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November 12, 2004

Flash Based iPod Coming in January?

Flash Based iPod January 2005Word on the street is that Apple is hard at work on finishing up design on yet another iteration of the ridiculously popular iPod. This time it will be a flash-based model, most likely in the 256 MB to 1 GB range, according to AppleInsider. While Steve Jobs had previously stated that he felt that flash drives weren't really what people wanted, they have been selling like crazy. It is understandable that Apple would want to cut into that market, especially since the iPod easily owns 92% of the hard drive based MP3 player market. Look for the announcement on this one to be made at MacWorld this January. The new iPod is expected to hit retail for less than $200 USD.

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| AppleInsider

Posted by Andru at November 12, 2004 10:57 PM

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