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November 30, 2004

CyberCar: The Driverless Automobile

The CyberCar Cab model

An organization of 15 European research centers, have introduced the first road-ready vehicles that require no driver. While there are already airport carts that do this, they require embedded road tracers, while the CyberCar has a pre-programmed route. Coupled with a laser-sweeping the device on it's front end, it can also avoid or stop in front of obstacles. We wonder how you feel about cruising around without a human navigator at the wheel, but this could certainly be the future we're all destined for. Already the town of Antibes on the French Riviera, and other nearby areas are considering buying fleets to taxi tourists around their crowded streets. I'd like to see them pull some of the manuevers I've witnessed with the cabs in Manhattan.

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Posted by Hector at November 30, 2004 01:53 PM

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