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October 25, 2004

Sony MP3 Players That Actually Play MP3's

Sony Network Walkman NW-E99It seems that the stubborn Sony has finally had to concede to the consumers. Sony has released the Walkman NW-E99 and the NW-E95, with 1 GB and 512 MB of flash memory, respectively. It's what we hope is a start to all of Sony's devices supporting the MP3 format natively, rather than forcing a conversion to their proprietary ATRAC3 format. These players are available for purchase in the UK, but the price might need a little tweaking. The cost of the 512 MB player is $200, while the 1 GB version is a whopping $300. We are still waiting for the firmware upgrade which would make the 20 GB NW-HD1 Sony Network Walkman also support MP3. Well Sony?

Posted by Andru at October 25, 2004 08:22 AM

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