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October 04, 2004

Nokia 7710: Cell Phone TV Is Coming

Nokia 7710 TV Phone

Exactly one year from when it was originally announced (with a version that was never actually released to the market), Nokia is going to take another crack at entering a new market. Just like with the N-Gage handheld convergence device, this item also had to be redesigned before retailers and consumers were willing to accept it. The new phone, the Nokia 7710, is designed to be used as (hold on to your seats) a phone first (not many single use devices anymore, remember when a cell phone was a cell phone?), and second, as a mobile television (the quality is not yet known). Due to the massive market share Nokia has (1 out of every 3 phones sold around the world), there is almost no better company to push this new technology. The service will first be used in Britain on a trial basis before it is hopefully released elsewhere.

Read More | Reuters UK

Posted by Doug at October 4, 2004 10:44 AM

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