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September 12, 2004

Nintendo's Next Peripheral: Mario Party 6 Microphone

Nintendo Gamecube Microphone Mario Party 6No word yet on whether this peripheral will be bundled with Mario Party 6, scheduled for release on December 6, 2004. However, after much speculation on exactly what Nintendo was referring to when they stated that Mario Party 6 would be employ a very different gameplay mechanic when compared to the previous iterations, gamers began coming up with multiple possibilities. An Eye Toy-like camera, a gyroscope controller, and a few other ideas all seemed plausible. Finally, Nintendo has let the cat out of the bag. The Nintendo Gamecube Microphone is the device that will be used to interact with the new Mario Party title. As you can see in the picture, the microphone plugs into the second memory card slot, which means you don't have to give up a controller slot to use it. What does it do? Well, one game described is a 3-on-1 minigame where the lone player must yell "Fire!" into the microphone to attack the other three players. Now, why can't this just be done with a controller again?

Posted by Andru at September 12, 2004 04:42 PM

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"Well, one game describer is a 3-on-1 minigame where the lone player must yell 'Fire!' into the microphone to attack the other three players. Now, why can't this just be done with a controller again?"

I dunno about you, but when I yell into my controller it doesn't seem to make the character on the screen do anything different. Maybe I bought the wrong type of controller? Perhaps the Nintendo DS' microphone can come in handy here? :P

Posted by: Walter at September 13, 2004 10:27 AM

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