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August 19, 2004

Take Your iRiver Underwater

iRiver H2O Audio WaterproofWe have received reports from our sources that iRiver and H2O Audio are set to make an announcement about a new product coming through the pipeline. Apparently, surfers, divers, waterskiers and the like have not had the ability to exercise their love of digital audio while engaging in their favorite pastime (You see, water and gadgetry don't play nicely together). However, that is all about to change.

An early press release reveals that iRiver and H2O Audio will be announcing the SV i700 MP3 player accessory for the iRiver iFP-700 series at the end of the month. What does that mean to us? Well, they are calling it the "First MP3 Player for Action Sports". Using the accessory, the MP3 player becomes completely waterproof - headphones and all. There is also an armband accessory that can be purchased, for those that enjoy swimming with two hands. We do not have any images yet, but we will post them as soon as we get them.

Talk about the new SV i700 on the Gear Live Portable Gear Boards!

Posted by Andru at August 19, 2004 08:56 AM

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You just know that they're going to get Michael Phelps to pitch it.

Posted by: Rob at August 19, 2004 01:17 PM

just taken delivery of my new h320 IRiv. OOOOO YYYEAAAAHHH!! this thing rocks. I had read a report that said your can almost touch the music, I thought,"what a load of POO!" well he/she was right. for me, the looks are A1, sound A1, ease of use: well I can use it so far out, its easy!

Posted by: tom at August 23, 2004 06:19 PM

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