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August 31, 2004

Apple Unveils New iMac G5 Computers

Apple iMac G5 Pictures Images

And they're the flattest desktop PC's ever, at just 2 inches thick. The latest G5 processor is housed behind a flatscreen, giving the newest iMac a style almost reminiscent of their best-selling iPod. Worldwide distribution begins this September at prices ranging from $1300 to $1,630. Click below for more images of this beautiful PC.

Apple iMac G5 Pictures Images

Apple iMac G5 Pictures Images
The G5 iMac profiled next to a docked iPod.

Apple iMac G5 Pictures Images

Apple iMac G5 Pictures Images

- Andru Edwards

Posted by Hector at August 31, 2004 08:33 AM

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