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July 09, 2004

Japan To Get Major Internet Speed Upgrade

Yahoo BB 50MWhile Yahoo! continues to fall behind Google in the United States, they just made a major announcement in Japan. Currently, Yahoo! offers the Yahoo! BB internet service in Japan for 4,122 yen ($38). This service gives customers 45 Mbps access, which compared to the average United States and Europe broadband speeds is just absurd. The upgrade will feature even better speeds: 50Mbps download and 3Mbps upload.

They certainly are serious about broadband technology in The Orient. The US and Europe need to start catching up soon, and both candidates for the Presidency of the United States have made it clear that upgrading the US broadband market is a top priority.

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Posted by Andru at July 9, 2004 12:28 AM

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Posted by: messenger adds at July 9, 2004 05:47 PM

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