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June 25, 2004

Gear Live Giveaway: iSkin eVo and Gmail

iSkin evo iPod CoverCongratulations again to everyone who participated in the Gmail contest and won. Now it's time to give away some gear!

We will be running a two week contest, and at the end, the winner will receive his or her choice of either an iSkin eVo or a Gmail account. The second place winner gets the prize that the first place winner did not choose. Click for contest info.

We want to build up the Gear Live Community, and we recognize the best advertising is word of mouth. This is where our Gear Live Board Members come in. The member who recruits the most new, active board members wins the top prize. The person who recruits the second highest number of new, active board members gets the second place prize. Depending on the number of new board members we get, I may offer third and fourth place Gmail accounts as well.

This is your chance to help grow the Gear Live Community! If you haven't already joined, check it out!

Posted by Andru at June 25, 2004 03:22 PM

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I want an iskin evo. love the site bro. its my new homepage

Posted by: john rodriguez at June 25, 2004 02:32 AM

Cool Site. Wish there were more like this one on the Net.

Posted by: premium adds at July 9, 2004 05:40 PM

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